
On tonight’s episode of CBS’ Late Show, Stephen Colbert went after embattled social network Facebook. “Today’s been a monumentally bad day for Facebook, the world’s top social media network and uncle radicalizer,” he said. The late-night host addressed the role and influence of Facebook groups.  “Facebook does, for example, have coordinated groups on Facebook that
A former Facebook employee who has, with the release of a trove of internal documents, become a whisteblower over the company’s practices, revealed herself on Sunday on 60 Minutes. Frances Haugen, a data scientist who until May worked on the company’s efforts to combat misinformation, told correspondent Scott Pelley that the company is “paying for
President Joe Biden lashed out at social media platforms as the conduits for the spread of misinformation about the Covid-19 vaccines, reflecting the concern that the White House has over the spread of the Delta variant among the unvacinnated. As Biden left for Camp David on Friday, NBC News’ Peter Alexander asked Biden, “On the
Former President Donald Trump gave a long, rally like speech to the North Carolina Republican Party on Saturday, and while much of it played out like an extended version of his greatest hits, he also addressed Facebook’s decision to suspend his account for another two years before their decision is reassessed. “They say they may