Beyond the pure healing aspect, however you'll need to control WoTLK Gold your buffs in a way that is suitable. A Powerword: Shield can be, of obviously, a fantastic method to shield a party member who is about to die however, aggression isn't easy to manage. Apart from healing it is also possible to use buffs, such as Hex of Weakness and Touch of Weakness to lessen the power of your opponent's attacks. You'll be able use direct damage spells like Mind Blast, Smite, and Shadow Word: Pain, but generally you shouldn't use these spells unless fighting easy foes or your team really needs the additional damage. Against the majority of mobs, the added damage you gain won't be worth the risk of drawing aggro.

If you get aggro during an in-group fight, you'll want to quickly click the Fade switch to relax on the healing. It's not difficult to attract noticed by mobs particularly in fights that involve many enemies. So take advantage of Fade immediately after you begin to gain aggro. You can constantly use it once the cooldown has expired or whenever a enemy appears to be threatening you. The effect is usually to cause your threat to decrease enough to cause the mob to shift to tank mode; in the event that you're not going crazy when it comes to healing (which can be an indication of an ineffective priest or that your group is uncoordinated) it is possible to manage aggro pretty well using Fade.

In PVP your main source of life as priests is the mana bar. If you're running out of mana prior to knocking your opponent down to near-death, you're most likely most likely to end up to fall to the floor. Also, you're at a disadvantage when it comes to opponents who can cut through your Shields or disrupt your spell casting with frequent. It is important to be able to hit your targets while minimizing how much damage you suffer. This is among the areas where the gear is an important factor when it comes to the event of a Priest against Priest match one of the priests with cheap WOW WoTLK Classic Gold most advantages in stamina and intelligence will typically beat the others.