Head along the south path just a few steps west of the Spring of Lost Ark Gold Echoes Triport. Stick to the northern edge of the area you arrive in, and work across the top until you see the climbing vines. If you get to where the path thins and continues east, you’ve gone too far. Climb the vines, and you’ll find the Spring of Echoes vista point at the top.

Head directly to the middle of the Port City Changhun area map, marked ‘Tournament Arena’. The Tournament Arena vista is between the centre of the area and the southeast staircase which leads directly towards the Open Seas portal.

Head directly north through Wolf Valley from the Port City Changhun portal until you can go no further. Head east at the T-junction, then follow the dead-end path north soon afterwards. At the end, you’ll find the Wisteria vista.

Twilight Mists is the final area of Anikka, the sixth Lost Ark continent. It is home to the Bleak Edge dungeon, which has five mokoko seeds. And the area itself has another ten seeds, making it the most mokoko-rich area in all of Anikka.

There are no special requirements needed to gain any of the mokoko seeds in Twilight Mists. Two need you to find a secret pathway off of the main map, but it's simply a case of locating the right spot. All the rest are simple to collect, but if you can’t find any of them, we walk through all the locations below.

Mokoko Seeds One And Two – North Of Amethyst Fog

Start out at the Amethyst Fog Triport and leave the area west. Exit the next area northwest, hugging the right side of the path. You’ll see a signpost on your right cheap Lost Ark Gold. Walk past it and off the cliff, into the clouds, where you’ll find two mokoko seeds.