As is the norm, Blizzard has opened pre-purchases of WoTLK Gold a huge card bundle that comes with an exclusive card reward for those who buy the bundle. This time, however it's filled with 70 pack instead of 50. As usual, logging close to launch will give you a freebie three pack and an additional Class Legendary.

World of Warcraft 's Endgame Features More Than Just New Monsters To Find

World of Warcraft is a expansive adventure with a simple premise: hunt stronger monsters. If you've made it to the conclusion of the initial storyline then you're aware that there's an abundance of content available only to the most committed and experienced players. In the video below, we discuss the kind of content you're likely to see when you enter high-rank hunting areas. The video above is a bit spoiler-y if you're looking to learn more about is the World of Warcraft endgame is by yourself.

So, getting rid of this Zorah Magdaros story isn't the end of World of Warcraft; there are many formidable monsters that are revealed through Game of Thrones' High Rank quests. After the credits are over in the game, there's an entirely new class of items to acquire that you won't discover until the final game. If you've ever worried about running out new creatures that you can transform into clothing, World of Warcraft keeps creating completely WoTLK Classic Gold new creatures as well as variations on the initial lineup every day.