
12:25 PM ET By now, you’ve undoubtedly pored over your club’s 2021 schedule, circling days on the calendar for every rivalry matchup, and if you’re really ambitious (and vaccinated), looking into flights and hotels for that special trip to watch your team in an away venue. It’s an exciting time of year that doesn’t leave
3:29 PM ET United States men’s national team midfielder Christian Pulisic said he wants to play in this summer’s Olympic Games if the Americans qualify, though he admits he “can’t control” whether club side Chelsea would permit him to play. – An oral history of U.S. men’s 2000 Olympic medal-round run– Rapinoe to Congress: Inequality
7:56 AM ET In May 2018, Manchester United executive vice-chairman Ed Woodward gave what he described as a “very simple and candid” response to a question about whether success on the pitch made a difference to the club’s earning power off it: “Playing performance doesn’t really have a meaningful impact on what we can do