Month: June 2021

Full FREE Real Estate Investing Training 👉 In this episode of the Exactly How Podcast, Richard Roop explains how to turn real estate investing into your personal success story, in five steps! In describing his success strategies for investing in real estate, Richard Roop identifies establishing a positive mindset as one of the first
These 4 tips for handling haters and overcoming negative people in your life may surprise you but will be very powerful practical techniques. (1) Get Excited: When you’re making moves in life, oftentimes you’ll attract haters and that can be a compliment to your progress. All great people have plenty of haters. (2) Pray: On
Manhattan’s commercial landlords, stewards of a half-billion square feet of office floors, will be sweating out the usually restful season between Memorial Day and Labor Day, praying that the much-anticipated return-to-offices really happens.  Compounding their anxiety are out-of-date rules for workplaces that were drafted by the state in the pandemic’s terrible early phase — and