
This post and photos may contain Amazon or other affiliate links. If you purchase something through any link, I may receive a small commission at no extra charge to you. Any supplies used may be given to me free of charge, however, all projects and opinions are my own. Cricut keychains are easy to make
I had hoped to start on my vanities and storage cabinet for the bathroom today, and I still may be able to do that, but I’m not 100% sure. The good news is that I picked up my walnut lumber yesterday. I ordered 3 pieces of 1″ x 3″, 1 piece of 1″ x 4″,
By: Angie Holden  |  Published: August 3, 2022  |  Updated: August 3, 2022  |   Comment This post and photos may contain Amazon or other affiliate links. If you purchase something through any link, I may receive a small commission at no extra charge to you. Any supplies used may be given to me free of charge, however, all projects and
I’m still working on trim in our home gym while I wait for the walnut lumber to arrive for the bathroom vanities and storage cabinet (which should be here tomorrow afternoon), and I keep going back and forth on whether I want to install crown molding in this room. It seems like a natural “yes”
I took the last three days to get control of the construction mess that had been accumulating for a while now. Not only did I need get organized again so that I could find my tools, but I also needed to clear out the mess so that I’ll have space to build the vanities and
This post and photos may contain Amazon or other affiliate links. If you purchase something through any link, I may receive a small commission at no extra charge to you. Any supplies used may be given to me free of charge, however, all projects and opinions are my own. Here’s my Cricut AutoPress review! I’m