
While the leaders of the world’s seven largest so-called “advanced economies” convened in the U.K. to discuss substantive issues like the pandemic, health care, climate change and corporate taxes, social media trolls were more interested in the odd “family photograph” the leaders took on a Cornish beach Friday morning. The stiff, socially distanced portrait sparked
On Monday’s episode of The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon roasted The Bachelor’s Chris Harrison, who has officially exited the reality franchise after 19 years as its host, as Deadline told you first. Right now, Fallon joked, Harrison is “editing his resume like, ‘Matchmaker with 19 years’ experience and three successful couples, give or take?’” “Harrison knew there was
Jimmy Fallon got choked up on Monday’s episode of The Tonight Show, as he welcomed his first full studio audience since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. “Welcome to The Tonight Show, everybody. We have comedy, we have celebrities, we have music,” said the host, who brought a reduced-capacity audience back to 30 Rock on March
Question for anyone who bet against Saturday Night Live‘s “Weekend Update” segment leading with anything other than GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz — what were you thinking? Smartly, Colin Jost began by saying the House member from Florida “looks like a caricature artist’s drawing of me.” But then the hits started — and kept comin’. “[Gaetz]
On tonight’s “Pranksgiving” edition of Jimmy Kimmel Live!, host Jimmy Kimmel recalled what he considers the best April Fool’s Day prank in history. “Remember last year, when Trump promised the coronavirus would disappear by Easter?” he joked. “That was a good one.” Kimmel then turned to current events, picking up with the former president’s latest bit
You know it’s a good week on Real Time when the two stories that have consumed the week’s news — the accusations against Andrew Cuomo and the accusations against the Royal Family — take a backseat to weightier topics such as crony capitalism and the hegemony of China. “We’re not losing to China,” said Maher
Bill Maher sat down with former Fox News and NBC News personality Megyn Kelly for the leadoff interview Friday on HBO’s Real Time, but their discussion didn’t focus on her former employers or her controversial past at all. Instead, they had a frank talk about race, social justice and 21st century “victimhood” in America, especially how it pertains