
How to make a Whiskey Smash More recipes: INGREDIENTS – 50mL Bourbon Whiskey – 22.5mL Fresh Lemon Juice – 22.5mL Sugar Syrup (1:1) – 4-6 Mint Leaves HOW TO 1. Add the ingredients to your cocktail shaker and fill with ice 2. Shake & double strain over fresh ice into a double old fashioned
HIII lovers! As spring is blossoming and summer is coming, we tend to get a littttttle more rowdy for day parties and goin out if ya know what I mean. THAT IS WHYYYY this week’s video is all about Sami and I’s FAVORITE healthy cocktail drinks. Cocktails can be super high in calories and sugar.
A fruit a day keeps the doctor away! Get the party started with our 9 Fabulous Fruit Cocktails that are refreshingly delicious. These fresh, yummy cocktails are filled with different types of berries and exotic fruits instead of all that added sugar. Ditch the can opener and start blending because these are the perfect drinks
How to Make Cocktails Playlist with Tom Macy To make great cocktails you need the proper equipment. Nothing fancy, just the basics to cover all your bases. Let’s talk about some of them. First, your shaker, the one probably everyone is familiar with. There’s two types. There’s the two-piece shaker and then there’s the