Why listen to Tony Blair’s opinion on anything?

Edinburgh, Scotland: So, Tony Blair was again being inexplicably paraded by the mainstream media to a level that can leave us asking only one thing: Is he just that bad penny or is he the leering political zombie to be forever platformed for the freak-show ratings? Sophie Ridge of Sky News did at least look slightly queasy when interviewing him, or maybe I’m attributing sensibilities where they don’t exist.

Blair’s latest offering is that the “migration problem” falls entirely at the feet of Brexit — a very convenient untruth — and I speak as the most anti-Brexiteer you ever read; one of the weary, so sick of the mess of national self-harm, that I’ve not the heart to utter an “I told you so” with the countless others who did.

But before I turn away from the cadaverous war criminal, I do have to speculate: Does he believe this? Has he really forgotten the illegal invasion of Iraq in league with George W. Bush (photo) — the destabilization of the Middle East, which rumbles on today? The loss of Western credibility in that region?

Has Blair forgotten the consequent birth of ISIS from the ashes of that catastrophe? Has he forgotten that destabilized and ruined countries spew out desperate people fleeing by the thousand? Fear of that mass movement of people feeds reactionary neofascist narratives, as it has throughout history. Is he so inwardly rotted by the vastness of the Iraq atrocity that somewhere in the dark hole of his inner self, he actually believes what he is saying? Amanda Baker

Only angle

Yonkers: Re “Awards show true colors” (column, Sept. 15): Leonard Greene rarely writes anything without it being associated with race. Thus, I nominate Greene to be the czar of anti-racism in New York. I also have a question for Greene: Why is it that almost three quarters of the NBA consists of Black players? Frank Brady

Fountain of controversy

Smithtown, L.I.: Nothing causes more backlash and resentment, which will be perceived as racism, than columns like Leonard Greene’s where he states that Beyoncé’s country music awards slight is solely because she’s Black. Keeping this thought process alive seems to keep people like Greene in business. Andrew Ross

End of innocence

Forked River, N.J.: Working across the street from the World Trade Center, I spent many hours in the concourse at the shops. Near the entrance to the A/C subway station was my usual film processing shop. Days after 9/11, I received a phone call from a Midtown photo center telling me that the film I had dropped off at the WTC site had been fulfilled and was recovered by a police officer as he made a mad dash out of the concourse just before the buildings collapsed. I was told that he saw the packages of developed photos and thought, correctly, that these photos would most certainly contain the last images of so many loved ones. He grabbed as many packages as he could carry. Mine were ordinary summer photos of my young children enjoying our small kiddie pool in the backyard. They were the final photos of our innocence. Susan Goold

Lies with legs

Garden City, L.I.: I am not sure what is scarier, the incredibly juvenile nonsense spewing from Donald Trump’s mouth — pets for lunch, post-birth abortions, etc. — or the fools who believe it! Paul Falabella

Decisive defeat

Ridgefield Park, N.J.: After reading Voicer Eugene R. Dunn’s letter, I have come to the conclusion that he needs to have his eyes checked as soon as possible. I’m not sure which debate he was watching, but Vice President Kamala Harris smoked Trump. She hung out the bait and he snatched it up like a hungry fish, embarrassing himself at every turn, the best comment being immigrants are eating neighbors’ cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio (only an idiot would believe such a comment). Superior knowledge? I think not. Joe Barbetta

What were you watching?

Flushing: To Voicer Eugene R. Dunn: You did not see the same debate that most of us saw. Bernard Caine

Questionable eval

Northport, L.I.: Math wasn’t my strong suit — and I have a quorum of frustrated middle school and high school teachers to back me up — but I must admit that Voicer Eugene R. Dunn stumped me when he cited his “personal calculus” to wrongly claim that ex-president Donald Trump won the debate with Vice President Kamala Harris. He never cited any examples, and his points didn’t add up. Then I figured that he must have had the sound off! But even watching Trump sputter and spume about hungry poor people devouring cats and dogs in Ohio surely would’ve tipped the scale against the struggling GOP candidate, because that was demonstrably untrue. What I do know for sure is that if Dunn were ever watching the Weather Channel when a Category 3 hurricane was churning up the Atlantic Ocean, I’d definitely want to get a second opinion before taking his word that we had nothing to worry about. Spencer Rumsey

Outlier opinion

Newton, N.J.: I’m not sure what debate Voicer Eugene R. Dunn was watching, but by saying, “There seem to be conflicting views on who won the presidential debate,” it’s apparent he wasn’t watching the one between Harris and Trump. Every credible news source — which excludes Fox News — had Kamala winning decisively. Felony Donnie was called out on all of his lies and was fact-checked into oblivion. Dunn’s letter was so full of condescending tripe that I think it was generated by AI, MAGA-style. Your boy lost, Eugene. Michael Schnackenberg


Brooklyn: Voicer Eugene R. Dunn thinks the Trumpster won the debate by an “exceptionally large margin.” The only exceptionally large thing Old Demented achieved that night was his continuous, ludicrous lies! I guess those lies escaped Dunn’s “superior knowledge and memory” that night. Otherwise, Old Demented, having that same “severe character flaw” of lying, makes him also ineligible for the presidency, or any other government position. But then OD’s supporters, like Dunn, all seem to be afflicted by bad eyesight and selective memories. As for Old Demented’s so-called “amazing restraint,” his only restraint should be that worn by Hannibal Lecter. Oh, by the way, Harris KO’d that orange-faced clown, as he went down for the count that night! Kevin Hanley

Put down

Jamaica: The orange guy did not win the debate. He doesn’t want another debate because he is chicken. She knocked him out! The man lies! Charlene Black

No play

Bronx: The three major TV networks and other channels, with the exception of Channel 12 News, never report on high school sports. News telecasts have a whole hour at 5 p.m. reporting news besides their regular 6 p.m. slot. Yet, there’s no mention of high school sports in NYC. Why not? Can anyone state which high school basketball, football, baseball, lacrosse or track and field are champions? Why can’t CBS, NBC or ABC use a half hour or at least 15 minutes to highlight school sports? It’s truly ridiculous. It seems there’s no high school sports fans among management. It’s bad enough they only give a sports report, mainly the pros, and sometimes college, two to three minutes. Makes you miss Warner Wolf even more! Eric Cummings Jr. 

Hawked high-rise

Brooklyn: The editorial “An Arrow pointing to housing” (Sept. 14) was very insulting to the homeowners/residents of Windsor Terrace/South Slope who support housing on the Arrow Linen property (Housing Not Highrises) but don’t want something contextually too big and out of character for our residential neighborhood. I feel like I/we are being told that we deserve to have a 13-plus-story high-rise shoved down our throats, like it or not, and to shut up. Kevin Johnson

Uplifting pit

Brooklyn: Sick of politics, crime and NYC overall? On a lighter note, I want to thank Dave Portnoy for rescuing the famous Miss Peaches, who brings me joy on an everyday basis. She sheds a light on pit bulls and rescues. Also, Dave’s pizza reviews are priceless. Check out @famousmisspeaches on Instagram, I promise you will smile. Mariann Tepedino

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