<img src='https://npr.brightspotcdn.com/dims3/default/strip/false/crop/4000×2250+0+0/resize/4000×2250!/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fnpr-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2F9c%2F66%2Fe63fbf144b5ab9e8dc5b6f6f014b%2Fethiopia-food-2.jpg' alt='Fatouma Zahara Hasan, a widow with a large family from the town of Chifera, has her photograph taken on a tablet as part of a vast registration drive to ensure that food aid funded by the United States in parts of Ethiopia is only provided to recipients that qualify.  ‘/>

After months of disruption in a massive national feeding effort by global groups, there’s a scramble to digitally register more than 6 million Ethiopians to make sure food aid goes to those in need.

(Image credit: Ed Kiernan)

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