NEW YORK — This week is one of the best weeks of the season, it’s hometowns! Jenn visited her four remaining men’s friends and family and we really got to see how they became the people they are. Where can Jenn envision fitting in?

Gina: We love this week and it’s going to be interesting to see how everyone handles this journey. Let’s goooo!

Devin’s Hometown

Jenn started in Houston, Texas where she met up with Devin. Jenn was wearing her workout gear and they met up in a park to go running. Devin was excited to plan some fun surprises for her. His running club ran over to them and Devin explained that he works out with them all every Wednesday. Everyone was so excited to meet Jenn and they called the run the “Jenn and Devin Love Run.” They all wore some cute blue t-shirts with that phrase and their faces on them and they did an actual little 1-mile run. Devin asked her if love was a marathon or a sprint. She joked and said, “Right now it’s a relay race!” Ha! “This is the best feeling I’ve ever had,” Devin said. He said it felt surreal to be there with her and he even stopped to kiss her as everyone ran around them. “I definitely could see myself fitting into Devin’s life here in Houston,” Jenn said.

Gina: Devin noted that his friends, and Houston itself, were important to shaping him into the man he has become. One of his closest friends started this run club and being a part of this group helped pick him up when he was really down. It was interesting to hear the backstory and why this particular part of the date was important to him.

They told his friends how they could be themselves around each other. He said, “She loves me,” and was going to say for who I am, but then stopped. She looked surprised but then kissed him. The next surprise was Devin’s dog Charlie! She came running over to them! She’s such a sweetie! They threw the ball for her and Charlie was so excited to see her dad again. Devin told Jenn that despite his complicated relationship with his father, he would be meeting her that day. He said he couldn’t get married without her meeting everyone.

Jenn Meets Devin’s Family

There was a sign welcoming them to the house that said, “Welcome home Devin, Howdy Jenn!” It was so cute. Jenn met Devin’s mom Jennifer (isn’t that a coincidence?), his dad Temo, his grandfather Gary, his grandmother Phyllis, his brother Pierce, and his stepdad Todd. Devin was really nervous! He said he didn’t want to let anyone down. Jenn and Devin started things off by talking about their world travels and how Devin did the “Thunder Down Under” show. Devin’s mom thought she seemed very sweet and she thought they both seemed to have nervous jitters. Temo thought that Jenn and Devin had great chemistry. Devin was honest with his dad, saying that he loved Jenn, but he was nervous about saying it to her. He’s worried that he’s going to say he loves her and then Jenn will say it to someone else. He just doesn’t want to be wrong. Temo said his only concern is that there are other guys around and he doesn’t know them at all. He’s just nervous to see Devin’s heart get broken.

Gina: The sign was so cute and a really sweet touch. Also? I loved how Devin’s grandmother just held him tight when they walked in and told him she loved him. You can see why Devin’s family means so much to him. While Devin’s relationship with his dad wasn’t always a “typical” relationship, I liked their conversation. You can see how much Temo loves his son and wants to make sure he doesn’t get hurt in all this.

Devin’s mom asked Jenn what makes her son special to her. Unlike Sam M., Jenn could answer this question with ease. She said that Devin is so emotionally intelligent, able to be himself, and his confidence. She told Devin’s mom that they bonded over their non-traditional families. Jenn also told Jennifer that Devin spoke very highly of her. Jennifer said that she finally found her love story and she hopes that it has provided some happiness for Devin to see that she’s found love. Jenn admitted that they had both told each other that they were falling for each other. Jenn added that she can really see a future with him. Jennifer said, “I hope that Devin is a shining star in all of this.”

Gina: Devin’s mom saying that she didn’t always model the best relationships for her sons hit me. That couldn’t have been easy to admit in front of a TV camera, but I do think it’s a conversation she’s had with her sons over the years, so it’s nice she could share that..

Devin told his mom that being a part of this show has been a weird experience and he asked his mom for advice. Jennifer asked Devin if he was in it for the right reasons basically and he said, “I’ve been places with this girl in my heart and soul that I’ve never been with anyone else.” Wow. He’s scared and wants it to work so badly. It bothers him that there are other men still involved. “I love her,” Devin said. “I think this is the first time I’m in love for real.” Jennifer urged her son to not hold back, and share his feelings of love. “You’re not going to be the one if you don’t,” she said. Good advice, Mom! “He needs to go all in,” Jennifer said.

As they walked outside to say goodbye, Jenn and Devin hugged and kissed. “I love you, I love you Jenn, I need you to know that, okay,” Devin said. “Devin loves me!” Jenn said ecstatically! “I’m falling so hard for you,” Jenn said back to him. “I feel like you’re not even real!” As they said goodbye, they shared that they would miss each other. “I feel like I could get everything I’ve ever wanted in my life,” Devin said.

Gina: Jenn saying she was giddy after hearing Devin say “I love you” might be all we need to know here.

Jeremy’s Hometown

The next stop in Jenn’s travels was to Fairfield, Connecticut where she met up with Jeremy in the woods. They kissed when they saw each other and Jenn joked, “Did you take me here to kill me?” I love that this joke of theirs is continuing. He decided to also continue their shopping trend in Connecticut. They went to Stew Leonard’s! Everyone loves a good Avocado Song! If you haven’t been to one, there are animatronics all over the place and it’s a real experience. It’s not your everyday grocery store, it’s more! “This is the most Jeremy date that I could ever imagine,” Jenn said. They had a nonstop laugh fest. They picked out some flowers at the store to give to his mother. It was a throwback again to their Seattle date. Jeremy is like a professional flower arranger now.

Gina: Note to self: go to Stew Leonard’s on your next trip back east. That place is a riot! Jenn and Jer-Bear’s jokes made this date so much fun to watch and ultimately Jeremy saying that he could picture them in real life going grocery shopping here with their kids was a nod to the fact that he is serious about this process.

Jenn Meets Jeremy’s Family

Jenn met Karen, Jeremy’s mother, his stepdad Michael, his older sister Lindsey, her fiancé Alex, and his younger sister Emily. Jeremy described his introduction to Jenn and his family couldn’t believe he said that to her. His mother thought that Jeremy wouldn’t be Jenn’s type but here she is with him. His sister Emily thought they had a great sense of humor and banter. Emily spoke to Jenn and she told her that Jeremy hasn’t expressed his feelings towards her yet. Emily admitted that her brother might not be ready to get engaged by the end but that he would want to be moving towards that. Jeremy told Emily that he could see a future with Jenn and that he felt he could be himself. Emily told Jeremy that he was being too guarded and that Jenn felt that way. Jeremy was surprised that she felt that way.

Jeremy told his mother that he was very happy with how things were going with Jenn. “I’ve never had so much fun with one person,” he said. Jeremy told his mom that he didn’t want to rush into the deep stuff. His mom warned him that this is his life and he needs to figure out what he wants and if Jenn is the one. “I don’t know if it’s love,” Karen said. “If it’s not love then it shouldn’t be an engagement.” She then spoke to Jenn about how he stands out against the other remaining men. Jenn said that they always have the best time and she appreciates his thoughtfulness. Jenn said that she’s a bit scared that they get too comfortable in the fun of the relationship. “If it’s the right person, he could be ready,” Karen said. His mom really seems to think he might not be ready for an engagement just yet.

As Jeremy walked Jenn out, they talked about how they had the best day and they didn’t want to say goodbye to each other. Jenn flat-out asked Jeremy if he was ready for an engagement. “My feelings for you have gotten so strong,” Jeremy said. “I am falling for you. I love being with you, genuinely.” Jenn did not say it back, but she kissed him. His family being so skeptical left Jenn with a lot of questions.

Gina: First, Jeremy not realizing he was being guarded was interesting. His family was definitely the mirror he needed to finally end up telling her he was falling for her. Second, Karen not committing to an answer on whether she could see Jeremy and Jenn get engaged was also telling. His family’s doubts really played with Jenn’s head. I wonder if it messed with Jeremy’s too.

Jonathon’s Hometown

Jenn met up with Jonathon in his hometown of San Diego, California. Jenn gave him the classic run-and-jump when she saw him. Jonathon took Jenn to a lacrosse field, gave her a jersey, and they played! They both played lacrosse in college and Jenn said it was great to tap into that side of herself again. They talked about their past relationships where they felt gaslighted, and Jenn said she just wants him to feel like he can trust again.

Gina: Any time we see them play lacrosse is a good time in my book!

Jenn Meets Jonathon’s Family

Jenn met Lisa Jonathon’s mother, Mitch his dad, his brother Zach, and his sister-in-law Emily, and Jonathon’s sister Kristy. The happy couple talked about their dates and how after they stomped grapes and Jonathon ate one they stepped on. Jonathon’s brother married a woman he met on Tinder, told her he loved her after just three dates and they have been married for four years, together for seven. So it’s great that they can understand the fast timeline. Jenn admitted that she has four strong relationships, yet she still feels like she can fall in love with him.

Gina: I like that they could relate, but also that Jonathon’s brother wanted to make sure his heart was protected.

Lisa, Jonathon’s mom, asked Jenn if she could see herself with him. Jenn said that she really can. She is just struggling with the fact that he hasn’t been super open with her and he’s holding back due to his past relationship. Jenn said that she wouldn’t be there meeting her and his family if she wasn’t considering picking him in the end. Lisa really liked Jenn! Also, it’s funny that everyone calls him Jon! I wonder if Jenn ever calls him that. She usually says, Jonathon. His sister urged him to not hold back. “She seems really wonderful,” Kristy said. Jonathon told his mom that he has fears and that he worries that Jenn might not be revealing her true self to him just yet. He asked his mom if he could see her with him long-term. “Absolutely, I like that she’s fun, not one single time did she bring up looks,” Lisa said. “You have to at some point and just fall back and trust,” his mom advised him.

As they said goodbye to each other, Jonathon said, “Am I getting there, 100%.” “Jennifer Tran, I am falling for you,” he said. Aw! Jenn said, “Jonathon, Jonathon, I am also falling for you.”

Gina: Jonathon is a good looking guy and I’m sure his family has seen ladies come through and focus only on that. Jenn sees him as so much more and I love that his mom noted that to Jonathon! Also, that is now two men Jenn has said she is falling for.

Marcus’ Hometown

Jenn traveled to Tacoma, Washington to meet up with Marcus. He took her for a walk and told her that she would meet his little sister, Gabriella, his adopted parents wouldn’t be there, but when he was a young ranger Scott and Sue filled the role of parent figures for him. Scott and Sue threw a party with all of his friends and his sister so that everyone could meet Jenn. It was so sweet! Jenn revealed to everyone that Marcus was his first one-on-one date and said how wonderful they were when they went skydiving.

Gina: I love that Marcus has a tight-knit group of people he can really count on. The show of love and support made me smile for him!

Jenn Meets Marcus’ Family and Friends

“I’m stuck between really really liking someone and loving them,” Marcus told Scott. He also revealed he’s not in love with her yet, but he’s hopeful he can get there. He is hoping that he can get answers. Scott said that he just hoped Marcus would come to the right realization.

Sue spoke with Jenn and Jenn said that she could see that Marcus would make a great husband and father someday. Jenn said that she falls hard and fast and while she knows Marcus takes longer it scares her that she doesn’t know how he’s feeling.

Gabriella asked Jenn what makes her brother stand out. Jenn told her that they have a connection she can’t describe fully, but that he’s been open about his past and she really cares about him. Jenn said again that she didn’t know if Marcus loved her just yet. Gabriella said she’s trying to be protective of her brother but she also worries about Jenn getting hurt, too. He struggles with being vulnerable, Gabriella said. “I can picture myself in love with him for sure, but I’ve been holding back a bit because I’m scared and you know,” Jenn said through tears. Wow, she really, really likes him. “I care very strongly for your brother. I’m definitely falling in love with him,” she said.

Gabriella urged Marcus to open up to Jenn. Marcus said that the engagement at the end of all of this is a big deal to him because he only wants to get engaged once. “The feelings I have for her are real,” he said. He wants to make sure they connect deeper before he professes his love. He cried as he told his father that despite all of his big goals for himself, the biggest is being a father. Wow. This is definitely one of the most emotional hometowns ever.

“I want you to know that I am falling for you,” Marcus told Jenn as they said goodbye. “I hope today meant as much for you as it did for me.” Jenn was so happy because she had been waiting a long time to hear those words from him. Jenn said, “I’m falling for you too.”

Gina: I was so nervous through this whole date because I do feel Marcus’ hesitation to talk about his feelings and on this date, that’s what you’ve gotta do! The support from his family meant so much and I loved that Gabriella could see how much Jenn really cares for him. That emotion they both showed in that conversation really got to me!

The Guys Get Together

The rose ceremony was back in LA. Jenn said that she feels strongly for all four and it was going to be the hardest night she’s had so far. The four men got together at a bar for one last conversation. How awkward! Despite that, they all say they are friends. Devin, Marcus, and Jonathon all said they got clarity and had peace with everything. But, Marcus was getting nervous and doubting himself. “I feel like I’m behind right now,” he said. Then shockingly, Marcus said that he had reservations about proposing to all the guys. The other three seemed shocked and Devin admitted that he was all in.

Gina: Marcus saying he felt shame for not being where the other guys are got to me. This guy is so guarded and to be put in a situation where the other three guys are talking about how they’re all in was tough to watch, to be honest.

Rose Ceremony

1) Devin

2) Jonathon

3) Marcus

Jenn walked Jeremy out and he said it sucks but he had the best time. “I really want you to know how grateful I am for everything you taught me,” Jenn said. Jeremy said that he is at ease with being let go because he knows one of the guys left will definitely take care of her. “I really just want you to be happy and you’ll always have a place in my heart, I’ll miss you,” Jeremy said. Jenn said, “Me too.” Aw! That was hard!

Gina: I just love Jeremy and I hope that the woman he finds understands what a gem he is! Who’d have thought we’d feel this way after that night one entrance, right?

Next Week

Fantasy Suites! Jenn goes on her fantasy dates and then takes the guys into the fantasy suites in Hawaii! What a place to fall in love. Jenn tells Marcus that she’s in love with him and Marcus tells her that he’s not there yet. Yikes! Jonathon said that his feelings are growing for her but so are her fears. That’s Monday, then on Tuesday we get “The Men Tell All” episode and Sam M., Sam N., and your other favorite guys return to tell it like it is. Gina will have some special perspectives on that big night because she was there and got to talk to many of them afterward.

Gina: I was there. It was dramatic. You’re not going to want to miss it!

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