<img src='https://npr.brightspotcdn.com/dims3/default/strip/false/crop/2999×2000+0+0/resize/2999×2000!/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fnpr-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fac%2F96%2F5fb8afcd41539aecd6045f203896%2Fimg-2484.jpg' alt='Heman Bekele is Time’s “2024 Kid of the Year,” honored for his work on a cancer-fighting soap. Last year he won a $25,000 prize from 3M for his research. Above, he’s pictured with 3M mentor, Deborah Isabelle, who’s said of Bekele, “he’s going to continue to inspire other young people to realize that science can make a positive difference.”

Last year NPR interviewed Heman Bekele about his invention of a soap to fight skin cancer. He was motivated by his childhood in Ethiopia: He saw people working in the sun and thought of health risks.

(Image credit: 3M)

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