With over 24 years of experience, I am the Founder and CEO of g.tec medical engineering GmbH, a prominent company specializing in brain-computer interfaces (BCI) and biosignal processing. My background is rooted in a doctoral degree in Biomedical Engineering, and I hold GMP and ISO 13485 certifications, showcasing my strong expertise in BCI and neurotechnology.


My primary mission revolves around the development and production of state-of-the-art BCI hardware and software, enabling the recording and analysis of brain activity through non-invasive and invasive methods. My focus is on enhancing the quality of life and communication for individuals with motor impairments like stroke or ALS, and pushing the boundaries of BCI applications in domains such as neurorehabilitation, neuromarketing, brain mapping, and neuroprosthetics. I have made significant contributions through patents and publications in the field, and I also lead the BCI Award Foundation, which recognizes exceptional achievements in BCI research.

In my role as the head of g.tec, I oversee the sales and distribution of our products and services across the USA, Canada, and the APAC region, with a keen dedication to ensuring customer satisfaction and expanding our market presence. My passion lies in delivering top-tier BCI technology and services to our clients and partners worldwide. To achieve this, I collaborate with a team of talented and committed professionals, including engineers, scientists, and sales experts who share my vision and values. I remain enthusiastic about continuous learning, innovation, and collaboration within the dynamic realm of BCI and neurotechnology.

Comprehensive Background & Company Overview

We started the interview by asking, “Explain your background and your company’s details in detail.”

Christoph replied, “g.tec medical engineering is developing high-performance brain-computer interfaces and neuro technology. We began our journey approximately 25 years ago, selling our first BCI system in 1999 to Oxford University and the second to a research center in South Korea. g.tec has offices in Austria, where we develop and produce hardware and software and conduct clinical studies. Additionally, we have offices in Barcelona, Hong Kong, Albany (New York, USA), Vancouver (Canada), and Sapporo (Japan).”

Our Aspirations and Objectives

Then we asked, “What are your goals?”

Christoph replied, “g.tec aims to bring BCI and neurotechnology products to the world. Our goal is to analyze brain activity in real-time and extract information for various applications. This ranges from controlling external devices like robots, computers, or computer games to medical applications, such as communication with patients with consciousness disorders, mapping brain activity in epilepsy or tumor patients, and providing neurorehabilitation to patients with neurological deficits.”

Key Strengths of RECOVERIX

We further asked, “What do you feel is the biggest strength of “RECOVERIX” right now?”

Christoph replied, “recoveriX is the first neurorehabilitation device on the market that allows the treatment of upper and lower extremities in patients with neurological deficits. We provide all the necessary neurotechnology to clinics, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, therapists, and doctors. Following our standard operating procedure, we’ve witnessed significant improvements in stroke patients and individuals with multiple sclerosis across various domains, even many years after a stroke. Contrary to common beliefs, we’ve observed progress even 10, 20, or 30 years after a stroke.

People with multiple sclerosis also experience substantial improvements. Many are told by their doctors that they will soon end up in wheelchairs and are prescribed medication to slow the decline, but recoveriX has demonstrated significant enhancements in their condition.”

Journey to Success and Achievements

Then we asked, “What was the path you took to get to where you are today?”

Christoph replied, “We initiated our BCI development journey about 25 years ago. g.tec developed all the necessary components in-house, delivering biosignal amplifiers, EEG electrodes, electrical stimulators, and signal processing tools to numerous research institutes, universities, and industries for neuroscience research and new applications.

Around 8 years ago, we began developing medical applications, and recoveriX is one of them. Initially, we participated in large European research projects with leading hospitals that cared for stroke patients. At that time, the combination of BCI technology with stroke rehabilitation was relatively unexplored. Questions arose about acquiring EEG data from brain regions damaged by a stroke versus using only healthy brain areas. recoveriX addressed these questions and efficiently integrated them into a system that can be easily used by medical professionals like therapists, nurses, and doctors.”

Navigating Challenges & Triumphs

Everyone faced some difficulties and triumphs in their life so we asked, “What have been the biggest challenges you’ve had to overcome during the journey of “recoveriX”?”

Christoph replied, “Several crucial factors must be correctly addressed to make such a system work. Obtaining high-quality EEG data from patients is vital because it serves as the essential input signal for the brain-computer interface. Many EEG devices on the market produce data with more than 50% artifacts, rendering it unusable. This not only wastes the patient’s time but also hinders the effectiveness of treatment.

Additionally, accurately recognizing the patient’s specific thoughts in real-time is crucial to identifying when certain brain regions are activated. This information is essential for controlling the electrical stimulation of muscles and achieving highly efficient neurorehabilitation. Essentially, we’re pairing mental processes with real movements, promoting neuroplasticity and facilitating the healing of the brain through recoveriX treatment.”

Defining recoveriX in a Single Word

The UK Times: Give us one word that describes “recoveriX” the best.

Christoph replied, “Neurorehabilitation”

Embracing recoeriX’s Vision

We further asked, “What do you value the most about “recoveriX” vision?”

Christoph replied, “recoveriX offers hope and real improvements to patients suffering from strokes or multiple sclerosis. These patients experience improvements in fine and gross motor skills, reduced spasticity, tremors, normalized limb temperature control, and even reduced pain. Notably, people also begin to speak more effectively after recoveriX treatment. Strokes often affect the language network, causing patients to struggle with finding words or speaking. With recoveriX treatment, we activate the sensorimotor cortex, a part of the language network, leading to these improvements. Additionally, we observe enhanced concentration and memory. In the case of multiple sclerosis, we can significantly reduce fatigue, allowing these patients to lead more active lives.

We’ve witnessed remarkable transformations in patients’ daily lives, such as increased mobility, improved balance, and a reduction in falls.”

Strategic Approach & Competitive Distinction

Then we asked, “What are the strategies of “recoveriX” and how do you stand out from your competitors?”

Christoph replied, “We sell recoveriX directly to hospitals and rehabilitation centers, allowing them to provide treatment in the acute and sub-acute phases. Once patients are released, they often struggle to find adequate care. To address this, we’ve established a franchise system to open recoveriX centers worldwide. We already have operating centers in most major cities in Austria and many several other countries, and our goal is to ensure that no patient has to travel more than 30 minutes to access therapy. The social security system covers this treatment, ensuring optimal care for patients in the acute, sub-acute, and chronic phases”.

Navigating Challenges with Core Values

“What are the key values that helped you overcome challenges on your path? Share a memorable incident from your leadership.”

Christoph replied, “Overcoming key challenges involved understanding how to efficiently build a brain-computer interface that could significantly aid patients more than other treatments. recoveriX performs multiple standard treatments simultaneously. Patients are instructed to imagine motor movements, receive electrical stimulation, see their mirrored movements on a computer screen, and undergo bilateral training for both affected and healthy limbs. All of these are standard treatments. In addition, we pair mental activity with physical movements, making the treatment exceptionally effective.”

Envisioning the Future of RECOVERIX

Then we asked, “How do you see “recoveriX” changing in two years, and how do you plan to drive that change?”

Christoph replied, “Currently, recoveriX operates in 15 countries, and we’re expanding to new countries weekly. We establish business contracts with therapists, doctors, and businesses to cover entire cities, states, or even countries. Their task is to open recoveriX centers in their regions and provide treatment to many patients, enabling them to regain their functionality. This is vital for society, as it allows patients to return to work and significantly improves their quality of life. It also positively affects the families and friends of these patients, who often suffer alongside them.”

Delivering Value to Clients in a Competitive Landscape

We wanted to ask about the benefits which people are receiving from his company so we asked, “What benefits do your clients receive from “recoveriX” in this competitive world?”

Christoph replied, “Our patients experience improvements in fine and gross motor skills, enabling them to use their limbs more effectively, walk faster and with better balance. The reduction of spasticity leads to less pain and improved sleep. recoveriX treatment also contributes to better bladder control and sexual function. Patients benefit from improved concentration, memory, and speech, allowing them to engage in more activities in their daily lives.

Our business partners receive all the necessary neurotechnology and standard operating instructions to successfully run recoveriX in their centers. With a suitable location and qualified therapists, they can start treating patients. Running multiple centers simultaneously increases their turnover and operational efficiency. In some instances, business partners can run recoveriX centers for entire countries, ensuring efficient and widespread treatment.”

Final Thoughts and Messages

Lastly we asked, “Would you like to say anything else to our viewers?”

“I invite everyone to watch the pre- and post-recoveriX videos on www.recoveriX.com. These videos vividly illustrate the life-changing improvements recoveriX brings to patients. Please help us spread the word about recoveriX, as many people are still unaware of its potential.” Christoph concluded

Read this interview here: https://www.theuktimes.co.uk/interviews/distinguished-leader-in-bci-and-neurotechnology-driven-by-innovation-and-impact/