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Valentine’s Day is right around the corner girlies, and if you’re as big of a fan of the cutesy holiday as much as us (yes, we’re suckers), then now’s the perfect excuse to buy that sweater full of hearts, silky smooth sleep shirt, or fabulous hot pink dress you’ve been patiently waiting all year for. And if there’s any place that does Valentine’s Day fits and other adorable on-theme decor the right way (sans the cheesiness), it’s Anthropologie. Yes, you heard that right. The beloved brand has come out with an entirely V-Day themed shop carefully curated with everything you need for the big day. We’re talking cute coupe glasses for the endless amount of wine you’ll be drinking with the gals, sexy lace bodysuits to add some spice to your dinner fit, and even a chic little dog sweater for our furry friend who’s forever our #1 Valentine.

So, even if you’re spending Valentine’s Day with the girls, with your partner, or with your furball (guilty!), trust us when we tell you that you won’t be able to resist snagging a few things from Anthro’s V-Day section because there’s something for absolutely everyone, no matter how you’re spending the holiday. If you’re ready to check out the hottest V-Day section from our fave brand, Keep scrolling for our top picks from their shop that you need to add to your cart ASAP.

The post Anthropologie’s V-Day Shop is Full of Date Night Outfits & More appeared first on Patabook Entertainment.