We all love white smiles and being able to show off our white teeth to everyone around us. Whenever we finally go to the dentist and get to have a pearly white grin for everyone to see, we want to do what we can in order to keep our smiles nice and white. But what can we do to continue to have a nice perfect smile from home?

Well, there are a few habits you can adopt to make sure that your smile continues to shine even after the rigors of daily life get to it! Here’s what you need to know.


Use Whitening Toothpaste and Stripes


One of the best things that you can do is to care for your mouth using whitening toothpastes and strips. Since you should be brushing your teeth twice a day anyway for the health of your teeth, you might as well get the double benefit of whitening your teeth while you are at it!


Premium whitening kinds of toothpaste are made with ingredients that allow you to whiten your teeth while you are brushing, and the whitening strips can be used to remove any plaque or stains on your teeth.


It is very easy to incorporate all of these into your health routine, so don’t be afraid to do so!


Watch Your Diet


We all know that the food we eat affects our mouths and our bodies, but it can also affect the color of our teeth! Foods that have strong colors can stain your teeth long after you have finished eating. Additionally, you can put your food to a test called the ‘white lab coat’ test. If the food would stain a white lab coat, it will very likely stain your teeth and you need to be careful with it.


This also goes for drinks as well because you might find that drinking too much wine or other alcohol can and will stain and ruin your teeth. So make sure to always clean your teeth after meals, otherwise, the stains will simply set in and be that much harder to remove.


Visit the dentist!


Finally, keep on visiting your dentist in Colorado and staying up to date on your cleanings. You need to make sure that you are constantly getting your teeth deep cleaned during your checkups. Dentists are going to make sure that not only are your teeth well taken care of and cleaned, but also that smaller problems are taken care of before they become bigger ones.


Keeping a pearly white smile is easier than most people would think, and with a bit of effort you will never hesitate to show your smile off the next time someone asks you to say cheese!