Imbuing items in Diablo 2 Resurrected allows you to transform normal quality (white) weapons and armor into magical or rare gear with random properties. It's a powerful opportunity that can significantly upgrade your character's potential. But you only get 1-3 imbues per difficulty, so choosing the right base items is crucial.


This comprehensive guide will walk you through the best items to target for imbuing in D2R. We'll cover top imbue items for different character builds, levels, and strategies. Follow these tips and you'll be equipped to make the most of your limited imbues.

How Imbuing Works

First, let's quickly go over how imbuing functions in Diablo 2 Resurrected:

  • Complete the "Tools of the Trade" quest in Act 1 to unlock imbuing from Charsi.
  • You can imbue any normal (white) quality weapon or armor.
  • Imbued item becomes magical or rare with random properties based on your level.
  • Each difficulty provides 1 imbue opportunity, up to 3 total per character.

The key factors are that the base item must be normal quality and your character level determines the properties. So targeting the right bases for your build and level is crucial.

Best Items to Imbue While Leveling

When going through the early stages of leveling a character, imbuing can be useful to replace low level gear:


Belts commonly roll faster hit recovery, leech, resistances and other great leveling stats. Replace your starter belt with an imbued one.


Gloves can get boosted damage, attack rating, crushing blow and other offense. Imbue gloves for more damage while leveling.


Boots with faster run/walk help you move quicker through content. Imbued boots can also get tri-resist. Replace boots often.

Top Items to Imbue at High Levels

Once your character hits mid-high levels, you'll want to imbue elite/exceptional base types for end-game gear:


Diadems gain +18 ilvl when imbued, allowing them to roll the best mods. Chance for +skills, FCR, resists and more make them the top imbue item.

Elite Weapons

Imbue elite polearms, swords and other weapons needed for your build. Great chance to get high enhanced damage, sockets, leech, etc.

Elite Armors

Archon Plates and other elite armors can roll 500+ defense along with resistances, stat bonuses and sockets when imbued.

Class Specific Items

Each class has certain elite items that can roll +class skills. Target those for builds relying on skill levels.

Tips for Ideal Imbue Results

Follow these tips to maximize your imbue potential in Diablo 2 Resurrected:

  • Wait until clvl 75+ before imbuing end-game items.
  • Shop imbue bases from Hell difficulty vendors when possible.
  • Target elite/exceptional bases for the best mods.
  • Prioritize diadems, weapons and armors for top builds.
  • Don't imbue low level or non-ideal bases.
  • Imbue ethereal versions of elite items when found.
  • Use the Horadric Cube to add sockets after imbuing.

With smart choices on base types and high character levels, your imbued items can become true powerhouses. Just be selective in what you target for imbuing. Follow these best practices, and your limited imbues will pay off in a big way.

Now grab those flawless gems, shop some elite bases from Fara, and start raining down magic upon your gear. Your character will be shredding demons at peak efficiency in no time. Good luck out there, hero!