If you are dealing with a pest infestation, then the food in your business is going to be something you need to protect, especially if your business is focused on storing, preparing, and cooking food. In order to make sure that a pest infestation doesn’t cause a lot of problems for your place of business, you need to make sure that you being proactive and getting the pest problem taken care of.


Here are some of the things that you need to know about in order to keep your food supplies safe.


Make Sure Your Food Is Properly Stored


One of the best ways to prevent pests from getting into your food items is to ensure that they simply are not able to access your food. Make sure that all your food items are stored in sealed bags, cans, containers, and packaging that doesn’t allow pests inside.


Additionally, inspect your food containers as you start to deal with the infestation, because some pests are going to be able to chew through the packaging and get to the food inside. Keep a close eye on where you store your food, because pests really love cold and dark areas where they can eat in peace, so keeping the lights on and the doors open can help you catch them.


Use Food Safe Pest Traps And Repellants


You need to be very careful what type of pest control products that you use around food, because you don’t want to start coating your food in things that humans can’t eat. In many cases, you can use non-toxic means to fight pests, including essential oils like lavender and peppermint to repel bugs.


Additionally, traps using light or stickiness to restrain or zap bugs are also safe. If you want more chemical based pest control, you need to do a lot of research to make sure that the chemicals you want to use are safe, but also that you are using them correctly so the food can still be eaten.


Work With The Professionals


Finally, don’t be afraid to reach out and talk to the professionals from a Food Safety Pest Control in Kirkland company. These people have seen every pest infestation in the book and they know how to handle every single scenario in the book, for any type of commercial business. These companies can get the bugs out of your company the first time, without you needing to worry about it.


Then you can get your business back to work and know that the infestation has been snuffed out, and you can be sure that the food you are eating is going to be eaten by the right people, and not by the pests!