The rules about whether you will need to get a pest inspection done on a property will depend on the state you live in. For example, if you are purchasing a home in South Carolina, you will need to get a wood infestation report with all real estate transactions, but this is not required in all states. Some mortgage companies, regardless of the rules in the state, will require a pest or a termite inspection to make sure the home is clear before they will provide financing for it. Borrowers with certain types of loans may need to provide a clearance letter showing they did this inspection as well.

As you can see, it will depend on the situation and where you are purchasing the home. For those in most states, and without mortgage requirements, you will be able to move into the home without getting this kind of inspection at all. But if you are getting an FHA or VA loan, live in certain states, or get a mortgage from some companies, you will need to include an addendum to the purchase agreement asking for this type of inspection to get done.


Of course, even if your situation does not require an inspection, you can choose to get it. This can provide some extra safety and peace of mind when you choose to purchase the home rather than leaving it all to chance. If you see some signs of pests around the property, it may be a good idea to have the inspection done so you know what to expect when you move in. You will need to pay for the inspection at that time, but if there needs to be a treatment done, then the sellers will be responsible for it.


Some sellers choose to do this inspection before they list the home on the market. This helps them to get any problems fixed before buyers take a look and makes it easier to sell the property too.


As you go to purchase a new home, you want to make sure you know as much about it as possible. A good pest inspection and the right treatment after can give you some of the peace of mind you are looking for. Our food safety pest control in Meridian is one of the best options for you, providing you with the right professionals to look around the home and find any signs of a potential infestation. You can work with you, both when you purchase the home and afterwards, to make sure the pests are not allowed to take over. Contact us today to set up an appointment.