Baal guidelines Marius into giving him the Diablo 4 Boosting soulstone via disguising himself as Tyrael. He kills Marius and units to art work on his new plan: corrupting the Worldstone.

The Worldstone is an historic artifact that lets in the life of Sanctuary, the arena among Heaven and Hell. If Baal corrupts the Worldstone, all humans will fall below his command.

That is critical, as people are, in truth, a powerful race of half-angel 1/2-demon offspring called Nephalem. Baal is in the long run defeated through the hero, but now not earlier than corrupting the Worldstone. To prevent humanity’s downfall, Tyrael shatters the Worldstone - the results of which gained’t be seen for decades.

Two decades after the Worldstone’s Diablo 4 Boost destruction, Deckard Cain predicts the subsequent hellish invasion at the same time as raising his followed daughter Leah.