We had a guy in our guild and he's actually WoTLK Gold exactly my friend . His name is Hayden and Hayden got the back-to-back skinning champion of the realm first. He was able to get it the game Wrath of the Lich King and then he got it again in Cataclysm he got the first round first on our server, and his name, it popped up on the server.

The back to back realm first champion gets plenty of whispers. It's pretty cool. I've I've never been able to get around to reach shaman's level, if it was something you might be the first to get it was likely a realm first achievement.

It's likely to be one of the realm first raid achievements because these do have titles associated with them if I don't mind the first-ever realm leveling achievements however, I think that the realm's first WoTLK Classic Gold ratings achievements kind of suck.