However, as mentioned in the post, fermelon's Dark And Darker Gold creation may not go beyond this. Epic, the developers of Fortnite, have strict rules about copyright infringement in their creator mode. The mode cannot be used to "create, publish, or monetize content based on others' copyrighted IP." This means that fermelon's creation, which is clearly based on the map of Dark and Darker, may not be approved by Epic.

This is not the first time that players have created recreations of other games in Fortnite's creator mode. Players have recreated maps from popular games like Call of Duty and Halo, among others. However, these creations were eventually removed due to copyright issues. This raises the question of whether it is ethical to create copyrighted content in a game's creator mode, even if it is not intended for commercial gain.

On one hand, recreating content in creator modes can be seen as a form of fan art, a way for players to express their love and appreciation for a particular game or franchise. It allows them to recreate their favorite moments and share them with others in a new context DAD Gold for sale. In some cases, it can even be seen as a form of tribute to the original creators.