Stat allocation comes from the Accessories Lost Ark Gold (Necklace, Earring, and Rings). It can be very expensive to have a different set of Accessories for Chaos Dungeons so you should choose those stats based on the class engraving you've chosen to play.

For the Pinnacle Class Engraving, the Stat Priority should focus on Specialization first for increased damage when swapping weapons, followed by Swiftness or Crit. For the Control Class Engraving, the Stat Priority should focus on Swiftness first for cooldown reductions, followed by Crit. Tripod Skill Tree Effects

At a Transfer Skill Tree NPC, you should transfer tripod skill tree effects from looted gear to your equipped gear (don't forget to save them in the Tripod inventory tab too for multiple builds). Not every Tripod can be leveled up so here are the Tripods that can be affected by Skill Tree Effects that are used in this Chaos Dungeon build:

The Maharaka Leaf is a currency obtained from Lost Ark's summer event: the Maharaka Festival & Waterpop Arena. This is a waterpark-themed PvP arena where combatants blast each other off a platform with water guns. The event will take place starting on July 20th, 2022 to September, 28th, 2022. There are many prizes to be had from exchanging your hard-earned Maharaka buy Gold Lost Ark Leafs. Follow this guide to find out how to get the most Maharaka Leaf.