Month: August 2023

Russia’s first moon mission in 47 years failed when its Luna-25 space craft spun out of control and crashed into the moon after a problem preparing for pre-landing orbit, underscoring the post-Soviet decline of a once mighty space programme. Russia’s state space corporation, Roskosmos, said it had lost contact with the craft at 11:57 GMT
Aug 18, 2023THNEmail Seucrity / Cyber Attack A new “mass-spreading” social engineering campaign is targeting users of the Zimbra Collaboration email server with an aim to collect their login credentials for use in follow-on operations. The activity, active since April 2023 and still ongoing, targets a wide range of small and medium businesses and governmental
In this article RKLB MRK Follow your favorite stocksCREATE FREE ACCOUNT In-space manufacturing may sound like science fiction but it’s happening already, albeit on a very small scale. It’s a fledgling market that analysts and several startups are projecting will take off.  “If you look at pharma, semiconductors, beauty and health products and potentially food
Aug 19, 2023THNMobile Security / Malware Threat actors are using Android Package (APK) files with unknown or unsupported compression methods to elude malware analysis. That’s according to findings from Zimperium, which found 3,300 artifacts leveraging such compression algorithms in the wild. 71 of the identified samples can be loaded on the operating system without any
Aug 19, 2023THNNetwork Security / Vulnerability Networking hardware company Juniper Networks has released an “out-of-cycle” security update to address multiple flaws in the J-Web component of Junos OS that could be combined to achieve remote code execution on susceptible installations. The four vulnerabilities have a cumulative CVSS rating of 9.8, making them Critical in severity.
Google has reportedly scrapped its plans to introduce Chromebooks with integrated Nvidia graphics cards. The company incorporated gaming laptop-like features such as changeable RGB keyboards and high refresh rate displays into some of their models last year. But all of these devices come equipped with integrated GPUs and therefore were intended for use with streaming services such
In an aerial view, Chevrolet Cruise autonomous vehicles sit parked in a staging area on June 08, 2023 in San Francisco, California. Autonomous vehicle companies Cruise and Waymo have been testing their vehicles throughout San Francisco and residents are not happy with the problems that the cars are bringing to the city.  Justin Sullivan |
The media frenzy surrounding ChatGPT and other large language model artificial intelligence systems spans a range of themes, from the prosaic – large language models could replace conventional web search – to the concerning – AI will eliminate many jobs – and the overwrought – AI poses an extinction-level threat to humanity.  All of these
Aug 19, 2023THNMalvertising / Website Security Cybersecurity researchers have detailed an updated version of an advanced fingerprinting and redirection toolkit called WoofLocker that’s engineered to conduct tech support scams. The sophisticated traffic redirection scheme was first documented by Malwarebytes in January 2020, leveraging JavaScript embedded in compromised websites to perform anti-bot and web traffic filtering
US counterintelligence agencies on Friday warned the American space industry to guard against efforts by foreign intelligence entities to steal research and trade secrets as they try to boost their own countries’ space programs.  “We anticipate growing threats to this burgeoning sector of the US economy,” a US counterintelligence official told Reuters, adding that “China
In this article AAPL Follow your favorite stocksCREATE FREE ACCOUNT Apple will “comply” with European Union regulation that requires electronic devices to be equipped with USB-C charging, said Greg Joswiak, Apple’s senior vice president of worldwide marketing. That will mean Apple’s iPhones, which currently use its proprietary Lightning charging standard, will need to change to
Koo is not competing head-on against X (formerly Twitter), or even the recently-launched Threads by Meta, and is instead going after regional audiences with its language-based approach, co-founder of the homegrown platform, Aprameya Radhakrishna, has said.  Radhakrishna said Koo can be social-media-as-a-service, tailoring itself in compliance with the laws of the country it operates in.