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  • Dysphagia Supplement Market, Research Report Analysis By Increasing s, Applications, Sales And Consumption by Fact MR
    The global dysphagia supplement market (嚥下障害サプリメント市場)size is estimated to be valued at US$ 1,430.6 million in 2024. The market is anticipated to develop at a CAGR of 7.1%, reaching a value of US$ 2,843.0 million by 2034. The dysphagia supplement industry is growing as a result of the rising prevalence and awareness of the condition. Dysphagia, a condition characterized by difficulty swallowing,...
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  • Kidney Stone Management Devices Market Global Analysis and Future Forecast Insights by Fact MR
    The global kidney stone management devices market is valued at US$ 1.9 billion in 2023 and is forecasted to reach a revenue of US$ 3.1 billion by the end of 2033, with global demand for kidney stone management devices increasing at 5% CAGR over the next ten years. The Kidney Stone Management Devices Market is a rapidly evolving sector within the medical industry, driven by increasing incidences...
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