Readers sound off on the NYT’s Israel coverage, Trump’s Bronx rally and NYC agency power


Forget Hamas — Israelis are the extremists now?

Manhattan: In a May 16 New York Times article (“How Israeli extremists won,” by David Leonhardt) the writer helps to vilify the Jewish settlers like Itamar Ben-Gvir due to their sporadic hostility toward the Palestinians who openly abhor them, and who, on occasion, slaughter dozens or even hundreds of Jews whenever feasible.

On Oct. 7, we saw the democratically elected leaders of Gaza slaughter 1,200 Israelis and kidnap others. The people at the Times have somehow concluded that the death cult that fires exploding rockets onto the heads of Israeli civilians for decades; that is openly sworn to the destruction of the Jewish state; that refuses to release the tormented hostages and end the war they started; that steals most of the money meant for its civilians in order to buy deadly weaponry for themselves, and to build tunnels in which to hide these weapons, are somehow the victims. This is what the writers at the Times would have their readers believe.

It’s unclear as to when the Times metamorphosed into this pseudo-news outlet, where credible opinions have been replaced by fatuous propaganda. And where free speech is so important, but vitally so only when it comes to hate speech against the Jews.

Perhaps it’s been this way for decades. It’s the brazen shamelessness of the distortion of truth and fact that seems ominously new to me. I’ve lost confidence in the credibility of the Times, and I’m surprised to not hear that more people feel the same way. Lloyd Litwak

Worse than who?

Calgary, Alberta: Dear Rep. Jerry Nadler, I pride myself on being informed about Jewish issues, including the Mideast situation. You stated that Bibi Netanyahu is the worst Jewish leader in the last 2,100 years. Aside from the fact that in the last 2,100-minus-76 years there was no Jewish country, so no real Jewish leader, who do you compare him to? How is he any worse than America’s Jewish leaders who, during WWII, adopted a don’t-make-waves policy about the Holocaust? Please be kind enough to tell me exactly why he is so bad. Is he bad for Israel or the U.S., or both? If your condemnation is based on his policies, what policies are they, and which policies should replace them? I am asking in the spirit of learning. Shalom. Larry Shapiro

Soldier’s fortune

Visby, Gotland, Sweden: “The Netanyahu Soldier” (to the tune of “The Universal Soldier,” a theme song of the 1960s): He’s five foot one and he’s six foot five / He fights with missiles and with spears / He’s only 17, and he’s all of 51 / And his PM has betrayed Israel for years! / He’s the one who gives his body in an endless Gazan war / He’s man or woman, a sabra or new to Israel / He’s the one who decides who’s to live and who’s to die / While following Bibi just guarantees that peace will fail! / In his heart, he knows Hamas can not be destroyed by war / Which, indeed, gains Hamas new recruits each hour / While he also knows that Gazan men, women, children / Are now sacrificed just to keep Bibi in power! / He’s the Netanyahu soldier, and he really is to blame / His orders come from far away no more / They come from one corrupt man and extremist cronies / It’s high time to end this tragic Gazan War! Eugene F. Elander

Trivia master

Brooklyn: On a lighter note, congratulations to Victoria Groce winning the “Jeopardy! Masters” championship. Congratulations also to Ken Jennings and the “Jeopardy!” team for carrying on this excellent program so seamlessly since Alex Trebek’s passing. I do have one suggestion to the producers: How about not having Daily Doubles in these games? It would level the playing field because as it stands now, whoever finds and gets the Daily Doubles correct almost always wins. It takes away some of the excitement of the game. June Lowe

Crowd count

Auburn, Mass.: Your sub-headline “Hundreds of backers cheer ex-president in Crotona Park while protesters and Dem pols slam him outside rally” (“Claps and slaps for Trump in the Bronx,” May 24) stands in stark contrast to the actual numbers of thousands. Any defense? Your journalist may have fled the crush early. Otherwise, a complete and accurate headline would be appreciated. Robert Palmieri


Bronx: How much does it cost to fill up your car? How much does it cost to buy groceries for your family? How many people attended Trump’s Bronx rally? Answer to all three questions: Thousands, not hundreds! JoLinda Celentano

Bronx bomber

Bronx: Oh my God, I just had to say how disgusted I am that this fool Ruben Diaz Sr. showed up with Donald Trump in the Bronx and endorsed him with his broken English. Man, he’s got nowhere to go. Mar-a-Lago is out. MAGAs don’t want that fool. Look what they said about that Indian running for president. Same with Goya. People have no shame, sell their souls for a few pieces of gold. The whole thing had to be staged ’cause there were people cheering. Man, Memorial Day weekend. What a bummer. Julio E. Rivera

Not the only one

Greenwood Lake, N.Y.: Re “Welcome to the Bronx, Mr. Trump” (editorial, May 23): You called Trump the “lyingest liar who ever lied.” Maybe, maybe not. I thought about this and about how dishonest the Daily News really is. Since Trump came down that escalator, it’s been nonstop bashing of him, and that’s fine, he’s a big boy and apparently can take it. What I want to know is why the Daily News has never called out our Liar-in-Chief, a proven serial liar, plagiarist and rumored fan of swimming naked in front of female Secret Service agents. And now that his mental acuity seems to be in freefall, he’s even worse. If you’re going to report the news, at least be fair and honest and present both sides, warts and all. Joe Fioramonti

Popular populist

Bronx: As my aunt said to her son when he graduated from college, I say to Trump: “You done good” getting out to speak to the people who are having a hard time in life with inflation, crime, housing, etc. It means a lot to those people, telling it like it is, not like a politician in the old boys’ club. He is a man of the people, for the people and the good of the country. Jimmy Durda

Don’s disrespect

Massapequa Park, L.I.: All you MAGA rats, remember that Trump called the dead veterans of the U.S.A. a bunch of losers. This from the biggest loser ever. Bone spurs! How can you even think of voting for this buffoon? Frank Mullahey

Hot seat

Richmond Hill: Is anyone surprised that Trump did not take the stand in his own defense? We might think he would have a lot to say. Whoops! Then he would be under oath to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. One fib could land him in jail with the rest of his flunkies. Robert Clolery


Valley Stream, L.I.: To Voicer Steve Chaddock: Sure, it was nice to see Trump at Detective Jonathan Diller’s funeral. But it was purely for political reasons. Did you have any sympathy for the officers who were injured or killed on Jan. 6 fighting the insurrection that Trump incited? I didn’t think so. Vince Sgroi

Purely for power

Jamaica: In “A City Council OK makes a better NYC” (op-ed, May 23), Speaker Adrienne Adams makes a case for advice-and-consent powers for an additional 21 agency commissioners. I’m wondering if she read The News editorial regarding Randy Mastro to the left of her op-ed. The Council, as is often the case, is being completely disingenuous. It’s pretty obvious that it is not looking for transparency and qualified candidacy but rather more power in controlling mayoral appointments. That does not make a better NYC. Darren Leeds

Acrimonious appeal

Brooklyn: So, this hopefully one-and-done mayor is now going to the state Court of Appeals to overturn the decision of the Appellate Division of the state Supreme Court that ruled that the city can not take away the current Medicare benefits for 250,000 city retirees, who all vote. How much did the city spend on the migrants who are now going to be lifeguards? A. Cioffi

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