Fury As Boomer Says Using a Microwave Makes You a ‘Snowflake’


A generational clash over kitchen habits has left people baffled after one boomer’s response to seeing a younger family member using a microwave caused an argument.

In a post on Reddit user u/borked1 recounted the moment at their daughter’s birthday party where an older family member—dubbed a boomer—raised eyebrows with an unusual comment about microwave usage.

“Apparently using a microwave makes my daughter a snowflake,” u/borked1 wrote, recounting the situation.

At the family party, the poster’s daughter popped her plate into a microwave to heat something up when the man interjected: “What’s with the microwave? Back in my day, we just ate things cold like adults.”

Quick as a flash the Redditor responded in defense of their daughter. “Sorry, we don’t like foodborne illness in my house,” they responded.

But the drama didn’t end there. In the now-viral post on Reddit with more than 7,000 upvotes, the poster vented about a barrage of criticisms from the boomer and their cohorts, ranging from teenagers’ cooking abilities to the use of oven gloves.

Composite image of a young woman putting food in a microwave, with a frustrated older man in the foreground. The internet has been stunned by how a man reacted to a young woman using a…

Newsweek illustration using Getty images, Jupiterimages/smartstock

Frustrated, u/borked1 took to Reddit to anonymously share their experience, seeking solace and solidarity within the online community.

“The boomer in question married into the family, so I’ve only known them a few years,” the poster, who did not want to be named, told Newsweek. “There were too many people in my house and we were all short on patience, but the boomers all kept pushing their luck.”

Describing the microwave comment as “the straw that broke the camel’s back,” u/borked1 confessed to turning to Reddit as an outlet for their anger. “I shared on Reddit because honestly I was so angry about it, I had to get it off my chest,” they admitted. “These boomers walked into my home talking behind others’ backs and just kept going after I didn’t give in to their b*******.”

In more than 600 comments on Reddit, people were as stunned and confused as the poster.

User jhotenko said: “‘Ate things cold like an adult.’ An adult who never learned to use a microwave, stove, hot plate? We’ve been heating up our food for thousands of years. I have no clue what point this guy is trying to make.”

JemmaMimic agreed and wrote: “We had a microwave oven in the mid-1970s. Unless that dude is 100, he’s BSing—probably jealous he didn’t have one back in the day.”

“God damn kids these days and their *draws card*… warm lasagnas?” Quipped Reddit user high-throughput.

“My daughter is a beautiful, intelligent, kind person,” the poster said. “The two of us have been through some hell with her biological dad, so there is no way this child is a snowflake.

“By all means life should have turned her heart cold and nasty, but she’s still good, so I got angry and anonymously posted about an asinine comment a boomer has probably already forgotten.”