Tips – Just imagine the perfect small business that you could start. What would it look like? (1) Work for Home: No expensive office space to rent. (2) Part-Time: You don’t have to quit your day job to do it. (3) Make a lot of Money: Hundreds of thousands each year. (4) No Equipment (5)
If you have bad credit (a lower FICO score than the minimum threshold to get a mortgage; such as 540 or 580) and would like to become a homeowner; or you’re an investor that wants to buy properties faster than you can secure bank loans; then this video is for you. You’ll discover the 5
0 Comments Darryl Strawberry and Chris Tucker share how they discovered True Freedom after having the fame, fortune and everything they thought they wanted in life. It’s a powerful message from two people who had it all and found True Freedom came from somewhere else. Watch this video to find out where their True Freedom came
0 Comments Here are 7 things that you should NEVER say to a contractor; or said another way; here are 7 common ways that contractors can screw you. Whether a big or small job, hiring a contractor is serious business and you must adhere to the following guidelines in this video or else you stand a
The full audiobook of Real Estate Investing Gone Bad written and spoken by Phil Pustejovsky. You’ll discover 21 true stories of real estate investing deals that went terribly wrong and the lessons you can learn from them. The cost of these “deals gone bad” total millions of dollars in losses, years of unproductive activity and
If you could give your younger self real estate advice, what would it be? My team has asked this question of applicants of my Apprentice Program for years and I compiled the top answers in this insightful video. It’s some of the best real estate advice you’ll ever get. To get your real estate mentor,
Discover the best way to sell a house fast in any market using my 3 step magic formula. I have perfected this approach to house selling over two decades. It’s been tested literally thousands of times; in good markets, bad markets, dropping prices, rising prices, inner city, suburbia, rural, you name it. This technique for
In a business like real estate, that is seemingly chock full of liars, how can you succeed, honestly and ethically? How do you navigate the dangerous waters of sharks and shady people? In this video, you’ll discover a tried and true method for succeeding honestly in a business of liars. Succeeding Honestly in a Business
Discover 7 goal setting mistakes that you might be making. Studies have indisputably proven the efficacy of goal setting. But far too many people don’t know how to set goals correctly. This video shares goal setting wisdom to give yourself the best chance of actually achieving your goals. 7 Goal Setting Mistakes 0:00 Intro 0:19
These are the 10 most common myths of real estate investing and unfortunately, you may still believe some of them! 00:00 Introduction 00:20 1 Good Ol Days 01:34 2 What You See is What You Get 03:26 3 Who You Know 05:20 4 My Area is Bad 06:17 5 Bad Timing 07:28 6 Not
Our economic world is changing rapidly! Interest rates on home mortgages have skyrocketed. Inflation is raging despite recent interest rate hikes by the Feds. Gas prices are at all time highs. It’s taking forever to get materials delivered. The stock market has been on a recent slide. Many fear we are headed into a recession.
What’s real estate investing going to be in 2023? Find out here! You’ll discover where the biggest investing opportunities will be as well as important real estate insights that you may not have considered. Plus, you’ll get a simple but powerful market analysis so you will know what to expect when investing in real estate
With most markets flooded with foreclosures, many investors have tried very hard to cash in on bank owned properties and REOs, only to come up empty handed. As you’ll discover on this week’s investing report, there’s money to be made in foreclosures but you have to be looking in the right places. You’ll learn where
Should you follow old school real estate investing techniques and ignore new school strategies? Or vice versa? Which one is right? How do you separate the signal (truth) from the noise (fiction)? This video provides clear and concise insight on this topic.
Discover how to get more of your offers accepted with my 7 step process as well as learn what NOT to say when presenting offers to sellers. This is a crucial skill that the most successful investors have mastered and it’s something you can do too when you follow what I share in this video:
0 Comments Discover the best loan for real estate investors. Get the money for renovations, a low down payment, low interest rate and a 30 year amortization. It’s a conventional loan that very few people talk about in real estate investing but it could be the perfect loan for you.