Legal Minds Nail Trump After Fox News ‘Confession’


Donald Trump on Sunday tried to defend himself from the criminal charges he’s facing in the election interference case ― but experts say it sounded more like a confession.

Trump on Fox News bragged that his poll numbers go up every time he’s indicted.

“Whoever heard, you get indicted for interfering with a presidential election, where you have every right to do it, you get indicted, and your poll numbers go up,” he said.

Trump is facing charges in multiple jurisdictions and cases, including election interference in a criminal case filed in federal court in Washington. Last week, he was re-indicted to comply with directions from the Supreme Court, which in July ruled that Trump was immune from prosecution for “official acts.”

On Sunday, however, Trump flat out said he had “every right” to have been “interfering” with the election.

Lawmakers, former prosecutors, attorneys and other legal minds were ready with a fact-check ― and some said it sounded like Trump was admitting to a crime:

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