Man Comes Home Over an Hour Late, Internet Obsessed With How He Apologizes


There’s little that cannot be fixed with ice cream—even in adulthood.

A video on TikTok posted by user @calliemarchant has gone viral after revealing the “late fee” her boyfriend brought along to her place—McDonald’s ice cream—after showing up over an hour late to their agreed meeting. Since the video was posted on July 3, it has received 1.2 million views and 115,000 likes.

“Last night, my boyfriend came over an hour later than he said he would, because he was out with his friends. When he got to my house, he had ice cream and said he got it for me as a ‘late fee,'” she captioned the video. “Girls, romance is not dead! Don’t settle for less.”

A man gives his girlfriend a gift. A video on TikTok has gone viral after a man who was late in visiting his girlfriend brought a gift to atone.

YakobchukOlena/Getty Images

“This man knows my love language,” she wrote in the caption.

In the comments, the creator revealed that her boyfriend had gotten her the ice cream on the way home from his time with his friends after midnight. The couple has been together since they were in high school, where they were best friends.

People in the comments were touched—and amused—by the gesture, with one person even calling it “boyfriend tax.” Some shared their own stories of offerings from their boyfriends similar to the creator’s.

“Before my boyfriend leaves, he makes sure my belly is full and even leaves me with snacks and sends me updates,” @yuphellothatsme wrote.

“My boyfriend was two hours late once and he came back with flowers and a big jug of my favorite ice cream,” @bailey.marie wrote.

“A few days ago, I slept in and off all day because I felt so sick. My boyfriend came home with flowers, and we laid in bed and watched our show,” @breezi_bby wrote.

Not everyone was convinced that the gift could make up for the lateness, though. “I personally prefer respect over frozen treats,” @barbiepink_cat wrote. “Hopefully, he called to let you know he’d be late.” The creator responded that her boyfriend was, in fact, texting her the whole time he was out with updates.

One person chimed in saying that the act bodes well for a relationship moving toward long-term commitment.

“As a wife, this little act speaks volumes who he’ll turn out to be,” @samlydialee wrote. “These little gestures are why I married my man and still, all these years later, he puts me first. Love this for you.”

“I’m so excited to marry him,” the creator responded.

Newsweek reached out to @calliemarchant for comment via TikTok.