Readers sound off on national crises, Biden’s candidacy and protective poles


Have we forgotten Trump’s calamities so soon?

Manhattan: Another day, another poll showing Donald Trump edging out President Biden in November’s election. Thursday’s Sienna poll actually had even more disturbing details. It shows that a majority of Americans actually believe Trump would be more competent handling a national emergency. This, I admit, made me scream.

Seriously? The guy who so badly mismanaged the one crisis he had during his administration that more than a million Americans died? Who went on national television and told us to use disinfectant in our lungs, who told his supporters to ingest horse dewormer to treat a lethal viral lung infection? Who refused to send ventilators to blue states out of spite? That’s the guy we now think is better equipped to help the country through a crisis? We must’ve lost our collective minds.

This isn’t an exercise in wishful thinking. This is a binary choice. Trump is not an unknown quantity anymore. He has a record of failure to run on. The fact that so many people seem to have amnesia about the reality we had to not only live through but try to survive does not change what Trump did or who he is. He is a convicted criminal, the only president in the history of this country to refuse the peaceful transfer of power — a thin-skinned, incompetent, perpetually aggrieved professional victim whose only talent is inspiring hate and division.

I would vote for Biden’s corpse over the rapist crook who wants to make women second-class citizens. The alternative is a nightmare we already lived through and the scars are still open wounds! Geidy Perez-Storch

Family affair

Lady Lake, Fla.: So, President Biden tells Donald Trump that he has the morals of an alley cat. How would he rate a man who has an affair with his veteran brother’s widow while he gets another woman pregnant? He said that Hunter Biden did nothing wrong. Even Harvey Weinstein would not stoop so low. John Martineck

No month for you

Brooklyn: To Voicer Bob Lovell, who asked when will there be “Average White Guy Month”: Bravo! Best letter I read in a long time. Unfortunately, that will never happen. Jenifer Badamo

Butt out

Brooklyn: Voicer Marlene Danoff’s choice words tell me that she is just another MAGA faux Christian who would be all too happy to see a T-rump administration control everyone whose lives she doesn’t agree with. Calling Democratic representatives miscreants, suggesting that N.Y. is immoral, etc. shows her bias against the left and those who most need support and protection, such as women, LGBTQ, people of color, etc. Ms. Danoff, other people’s lives are none of your business! Everyone deserves the same rights, whether you agree with them or not. Your holier-than-thou attitude is pathetic. “Progressive transgressions”? Seriously? I think you should move to Florida, Georgia or any of the red states that want to go back to the 1950s or worse. I’m sure many of us would help you pack. Susan Cassano

Puppet president

Massapequa, L.I.: After watching last week’s presidential debate, it’s 100% clear that without notes, a teleprompter and help from Jill, Biden can’t speak a coherent sentence. The man has aged to the point where he obviously can not run this country. The scary part is, we are all just now learning, the person who really is in charge is a schoolteacher who wrote her doctoral thesis in crayon. Tom Ascher

Latent leader

Manhattan: Let’s face it, Biden is not likely to drop out of the race. But if elected, can he serve four effective years? After his debate debacle, I doubt it. If elected, would he even survive through 2028? Maybe not. So any vote for Biden is also a vote for Kamala Harris as president. It is crucial that we get to know her better. Paul Backalenick

Boss ladies

Hope, R.I.: If it comes to it, Kamala Harris for prez, because not Kamala for prez would not sit well. Also, Kamala’s great. And Gretchen Whitmer for veep because together those two ladies would be rock stars! And two rock stars beats Trump. This “Dos Cinderellas” ticket would blast Trump right off the front pages. And really, couldn’t we all use a break? Arthur Hayek

To the victor…

Staten Island: Trump was the definitive winner of Thursday night’s debate, offering a tangible and optimistic blueprint to get America back on track after four years of Biden’s failed presidency. Recent polling averages show that more than 62% of Americans believe we are headed in the wrong direction, while more than half are concerned about Biden’s competency. His vague and often incoherent responses in the debate only reinforce those concerns. In stark contrast, Trump’s strong performance showed that he is the leader this country needs to navigate these challenging times. His plans to secure the border, cut taxes and bolster American manufacturing, among many other common-sense policies, resonate with a large majority of voters who are eager for a return to normalcy. As the leader of an institution representing right-leaning young voters, I call on voters across the spectrum to rally behind an America First vision that restores our nation and secures our future. Peter Giunta, chairman, New York State Young Republicans


North Bergen, N.J.: Speaking as one long in the tooth, I can tell you that although memorization capacity suffers in your later years, expression, logic and passion do not. In my humble opinion, what happened to Uncle Joe was that the mock debates required him to memorize scripted responses to anticipated Trump comments. Normally, a teleprompter would come to the rescue, but Biden had no recourse and his memory for random and orchestrated official discourse was lacking. He should have been allowed to speak off the cuff, extemporaneously and on his own initiative. Apparently, no guffaws, non-sequiturs or other signs of cognitive decline are evident in his rallies or other public events. Angelo Jimenez

Saw this before

Brooklyn: The debate was a disaster. The Democrat was clearly struggling with mental issues and often lost track of what he was saying. The Republicans insisted he was clearly unfit to serve. Fellow Democrats pressured him to drop out of the race in favor of a more mentally alert candidate. He refused, to their dismay. I am referring to the 2022 debate between the Democrat John Fetterman and the Republican Mehmet Oz, the two contenders for the open Pennsylvania Senate seat. Fetterman, who was recovering from a stroke, campaigned vigorously and handily defeated Oz. He is doing a fine job as senator. Can history repeat itself with Biden? We can only hope so. Dennis Middlebrooks

Can’t carry it

West Caldwell, N.J.: To Voicer Kevin Dale: As one who has an ileostomy bag, it’s impossible for the Democrats, much less anyone else, to “carry a colostomy bag” that belongs to someone else. And please take a look at the lineup of conservatives standing behind the Orange Clown the day he got convicted. Talk about carrying someone’s baggage. Carrie Pesante

He’s in

Scarsdale, N.Y.: So Donald Trump’s pal Stephen Bannon, who is better known as the Round Mound of Glop, has reported to federal prison. I guess Bannon has learned, like his pal the orange turd, that he wasn’t the smartest guy on the block and that no man is above the law. Hey Steve, enjoy your stay. Have a ball! Harvey Wielstein

Nothing stopping them

Merrick, L.I.: I am deeply saddened and angered by the tragic incident where a minivan plowed through a nail salon in a strip mall on Long Island, resulting in the loss of four lives and injuring nine others. It’s baffling that while we mandate helmets for kids riding bicycles, we haven’t yet implemented laws requiring protective poles in front of businesses to prevent such devastating accidents. How many more lives must be lost before we take action to ensure the safety of our communities? It’s time for urgent change to prevent these tragedies from happening repeatedly. Lori Izen

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