June 21, 2024 – The Mercury News


Nick Nickell’s teams have been a force in major championships for decades. At the Spring NABC, NICKELL (Katz, Greco-Hampson, Levin-Weinstein) added another title by winning the prestigious Vanderbilt Teams. In the final they used a late rally to beat a team led by Kevin BATHURST.

NICKELL led early, helped by today’s deal. At one table, North-South for BATHURST played at two diamonds, making two. In the replay, where East for BATHURST indulged in a featherweight 1NT overcall, South jumped to three diamonds. West thought he had to act with his seven points and doubled.


East was willing to pass, and the contract would have failed with a heart lead. But West led a spade, and declarer won with dummy’s queen, took the ace of clubs, ruffed a club, led to the jack of spades, threw a heart on the ace and ruffed a club. He exited with a heart, and the defenders took the A-K and led a third heart.

South ruffed for his seventh trick and end-played East in trumps to win two more, plus 670. NICKELL gained 11 IMPs.


You hold: S K 10 7 4 H K 10 9 3 D 6 5 C J 8 2. Your partner opens 1NT, and the next player passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: To use Stayman is tempting, and the odds may favor partner’s having a four-card major. But if he replied two diamonds, you would have to bid 2NT, and he might go down there or go on to a hopeless game. Pass. Even if you have a major-suit fit, there is no guarantee that you will need to play there to obtain a plus score.

North dealer

Both sides vulnerable


S A Q J 5

H 7 6 5 2

D None

C A 9 7 6 4


S K 10 7 4

H K 10 9 3

D 6 5

C J 8 2


S 9 8 3

H A 8

D K Q 10 2

C K Q 10 5


S 6 2

H Q J 4

D A J 9 8 7 4 3

C 3

North East South West
1 C 1 NT (!) 3 D Dbl
All Pass
Opening lead – S 4

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