Daily Horoscope for September 12, 2024 – New York Daily News


General Daily Insight for September 12, 2024

The energy of the cosmos is positively through the roof today! The Sun in efficient Virgo is making a potent square to lucky Jupiter in Gemini at 6:53 am EDT, encouraging us to take a gamble on ourselves, albeit a well-considered gamble. The Moon in competent Capricorn will then oppose Mars in Cancer, inspiring us to follow our feelings to the finish line. A final lunar trine to Mercury in Virgo should make it easy to wrap things up on an effective note.


March 21 – April 19

Speaking up for yourself isn’t typically something Rams struggle with, but you may need a reminder to do so at present. The vivacious Sun’s square to Jupiter in your talkative 3rd house could result in you uncovering a unique opportunity, but not if you keep quiet. Be willing to ask around if anyone knows about anything that might be up your alley. Someone could have just the thing to make the effort totally worth it. The squeaky wheel gets the grease!


April 20 – May 20

You shouldn’t have to refuse yourself anything today. Your heart is set on enjoying yourself while the Sun moves through your 5th House of Pleasure, but enjoying yourself might require a bit of spending when the Sun squares Jupiter in your 2nd House of Wealth. Something shiny may catch your eye! It could be all but impossible to keep from throwing your money at it. That’s technically alright, but be sure you don’t break the bank in the process, or you’ll regret it.


May 21 – June 20

Your feelings are larger than life at the moment. Your emotions are already amplified while the Sun visits your sensitive 4th house, and a shocking event could set off major reactions when the Sun shoves boundless Jupiter in your personal 1st house. This doesn’t mean you’ll react in a bad way or be overwhelmed, but you may surprise yourself with how strong your feelings are, perhaps far stronger than you ever realized. There’s nothing wrong with being honest regarding your emotions.


June 21 – July 22

Your current life may seem a bit all over the place. You’re probably busier than usual while the Sun visits your chatty 3rd house, but there’s no guarantee you can stay focused when the Sun squares Jupiter in your dreamy 12th house. One minute you’re running around town taking care of business, the next you’ve tumbled down a rabbit hole to some fantasy land. This isn’t very productive energy, but if you focus on going with the flow, then you can certainly have fun.


July 23 – August 22

Fun times are calling your name, Leo! You’re in an efficient frame of mind while the Sun toils in your 2nd House of Earnings, making this a good time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Contrastingly, the Sun will jab Jupiter in your 11th House of Group Activities, so people may start clamoring for your attention, even begging for you to come out and play. Work should be able to wait for now. Don’t feel any guilt about enjoying yourself!


August 23 – September 22

You have all the power you need to succeed. A special cosmic vitality emboldens you as the Sun vibes in your logical sign, filling you up with positive energy. These blessings take a specific turn for the professional when the Sun squares lucky Jupiter in your 10th House of Reputation. You can make leaps and bounds up the professional ladder. That said, remember that Jupiter can bring out your inner gambler — so if you’re betting on anything, do it wisely.


September 23 – October 22

Anything and everything could seem possible on a day like this! Life has taken on a fantastical hue with the Sun shimmering in your magical 12th house, enticing you to go wandering through a dreamland. This transit draws you out into the world as the Sun dazzles Jupiter in your boundless 9th house, giving you reason after reason to charge off in search of adventure. You can fly far as you like, but don’t lose sight of where you’ve come from.


October 23 – November 21

It’s alright if you feel pulled in multiple directions. The Sun is in your idealistic 11th house, driving you to connect with others and play your part in group dynamics. Even so, it might be tough to continually go along with everyone when the Sun squares Jupiter in your private 8th house. One minute you’re happy to come together, the next you want to follow your single-player program. Search for a balance between the two extremes, and you should feel much better.


November 22 – December 21

Someone might be about to boost you when you need it most. Thanks to the potent square between the Sun in your career sector and lucky Jupiter in your connection sector, a particular person is potentially going to be the perfect catalyst to push you forward like never before! This can be especially relevant if you’re already working with a professional partner on a goal. If you normally handle things on your own, consider exchanging the program for something more group-oriented.


December 22 – January 19

Excitement is one thing, but productivity is quite another. Fortunately, under today’s stars, you have the rare chance to bring these two together as the Sun in your expansion sector jolts Jupiter with energy in your daily work sector. This offers you a big dose of can-do possibilities for tasks that might otherwise feel quite mundane. Think outside your usual boxes and you could come up with some very impressive results! There’s no need to follow outdated ways of doing things.


January 20 – February 18

Pleasure can look like a lot of different things to you right now. The Sun is in your intimate 8th house, but it’s picking a fight with Jupiter in your expressive 5th house. This may leave you pinging back and forth between keeping your circle small and showing off to as many people as possible. It’s not about the audience, but about how much of yourself you’re willing to share. Even if you normally prefer to keep things small, let yourself live large.


February 19 – March 20

Your emotions are burning brightly! Due to a square between the Sun in your partnership sector and Jupiter in your feelings quadrant, there’s an increased risk that other people can push your buttons more easily than usual. Thankfully, these buttons could put you on track for positive outcomes — you’ll just need to let your guard down and accept the conversations that take place. The more you try to keep others out, the more stressful it will be, so focus on the bright side.

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