Readers sound off on the ICJ’s ruling, Trump’s age and MTA project costs


It’s official: Israeli apartheid and occupation

Los Altos, Calif.: The International Court of Justice’s advisory opinion on Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem is a landmark pronouncement, marking the first time the ICJ has explicitly addressed this contentious issue. The opinion, though not binding, carries significant legal and moral weight. It categorically states that Israel’s occupation and settlements in these territories violate international law.

The court’s president, Nawaf Salam (photo), emphasized that the Israeli settlements and their associated regime are in contravention of international law and urged for a rapid end to Israel’s presence in these territories. Furthermore, the court highlighted Israel’s obligation to provide full reparation for the damage caused by its internationally unlawful acts.

This opinion arrives amid heightened global scrutiny due to the ongoing war in Gaza, which began more than nine months ago, and a separate genocide case brought against Israel by South Africa. In that case, the ICJ ordered Israel to restrain its attacks in Gaza and immediately halt its offensive in Rafah. Despite the authoritative stance of the ICJ, the far-right, undemocratic, terrorist Israeli government rejected the ICJ’s findings, mimicking Vladimir Putin’s justification of his attacks on Ukraine and our own dark history of driving out and mass killing native tribes who continue to suffer the indignities of displacement. These reactions underscore the deep-seated sentiments of the Palestinians.

The ICJ’s advisory opinion might not alter Israeli policy directly, but it is poised to influence international opinion and potentially shape future diplomatic efforts. It is imperative for the international community to engage constructively, with a commitment to upholding international law and pursuing a just resolution. Jagjit Singh

Sad face

Fresh Meadows: My heart almost broke when I beheld the crestfallen visage of President Biden on Monday’s front page! To me, he is a truly decent man who I trust, and I can’t help comparing him at this point to Jimmy Carter. True, he is far more savvy in international politics, but Carter inherited a lot of grief in much the way Biden did. The expression “don’t kick them when they’re down” comes to mind. I earnestly hope Joe recovers from his new COVID infection. Kamala Harris has a mountain of issues upon her plate! L. Lewis

Quick & dirty

Delray Beach, Fla.: So, Van Jones cries about Biden not seeking another term, citing all his great accomplishments. Are you kidding me? Inflation, migrant surges, interest rates, to name a few. He did more in three and a half years to ruin the American way of life and you are upset over this! He never should have been elected. The Democrats just pandered to him and his dysfunctional ways. Now we have little more than five months. Let us see how much more damage he can inflict on this country. Manny Agostini

Senior candidate

Monroe, N.J.: We have the oldest candidate ever running for president who has difficulty focusing and speaking in complete sentences. He gets distracted easily and goes off on tangents. He tries to be humorous but misses the mark. He confuses reality with fiction (referring to the “late, great Hannibal Lecter”). He makes up weird connections, like sharks and batteries. It was about time that President Biden dropped out of the race! Oh, wait, he did — and this is Trump! Let’s see how this doddering old fool holds up against the same criticisms and concerns that he and the Republican Party have been espousing against Biden. Katherine A. Moloney

Four more years?

Staten Island: To those of you who are undecided about who to vote for in the upcoming election: Would you really rather vote for the guy who caused nothing but chaos, division and animosity during his administration? The guy who said he would propose an infrastructure bill but never did? Who said he would come up with an alternative to Obamacare but never did? Who said he would build the wall (and make Mexico pay for it) but never did? Who showed absolutely no leadership by putting his head in the sand during the pandemic? We already gave him four years and he accomplished nothing, so why would you vote for him again? Life is one big reality show to Trump. He basically B.S.’d his way through four years as president and his second term would be all about seeking revenge on those who tried to hold him accountable for his many crimes. Nick Portantiere

Atypical pick

Charlotte, N.C.: Man, was I wrong! I was positive Trump would pick Hannibal Lecter as his running mate. Ron Turek


Brooklyn: As an American citizen, I encourage people to vote in this election. As they say, put your money where your mouth is. You speak of what you think should be. Well, as a citizen, you have the right to vote. Do just that, but also stand by whoever gets elected. They will need our support. Let us unite to make the United States of America great again. Sharon Cesario

Not right in the head

Petaluma, Calif.: In the national frenzy focusing on President Biden’s age and acuity, the media has been doing Americans a great disservice by neglecting to call Donald Trump a nut. Yes, I unapologetically said the “N-word” because, editors and reporters, it’s time to stop censoring the facts about this dangerous madman. Quoting Psychology Today: “Over 70,000 health professionals signed a petition, saying ‘Donald Trump manifests a serious mental illness that renders him psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President.’ ” Trump’s own niece Mary agrees that her uncle meets “all nine criteria” identifying a narcissistic personality disorder as listed in the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.” She writes, “These include grandiosity, envy, arrogance, a surpassing sense of entitlement, a craving for admiration, and fantasies of unlimited power (he proclaimed himself ‘a king’ on various occasions). Those who pay attention to social-media tirades will see the negative traits on display nearly nightly.” Bob Canning

Odd move

Manhattan: I just want to know what normal person who has just been shot would raise their hand and mouth, “Fight.” Jeanette Pecora


Clifton, N.J.: To Voicers Michael Pravica and James League: The shooter was a Republican. Thus, how did the Dems draw first blood, as James falsely says? The motive is not clear and yet you both go right to blaming Democrats? Did you hear Alex Jones say that a Trump assassination would be the best-case scenario for their movement? How come you don’t blame that direct and inflammatory rhetoric? Of course, the right’s propaganda machine blames everything on Democrats, and they want you to think and feel the same. The only talk of civil war is coming from the right. Every accusation from the right is actually a confession of what they have done, or what they will do. It’s a tactic that authoritarian regimes like Vladimir Putin’s do all the time. Ameet Desai

Sweet spread

Commack, L.I.: It was such a delight to see the “Where to scoop up big deals on National Ice Cream Day” spread in Sunday’s Daily News. What caught my eye, of course, was the name Van Leeuwen — of Dutch origin, meaning “of the lions” — on top of the Hello Kitty container. Wish I were back in Manhattan to try out all the ice-creamy treats! Yvonne Fitzner

Over budget

Long Beach, L.I.: The MTA project connecting the Long Island Rail Road to Grand Central Terminal would cost $4 billion, according to the MTA. When it was completed, the cost had risen to $11 billion — some $7 billion over their estimate. The question that needs to be asked is why this project became an MTA priority over so many other projects that seem to need more urgent attention. Getting Long Islanders to Grand Central didn’t seem urgent. They could take a shuttle there from Penn Station. However, the people along Second Ave. still had no transportation for many years. There were new cars needed on the Metro-North Railroad and the LIRR, and new signal systems and track work. So, why did the Grand Central project move ahead of so many other urgent projects? The MTA says that congestion pricing will solve NYC’s traffic congestion. There is good reason not to trust the MTA. Richard T. DeVito

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