No One Is Questioning Trump’s Mental Capacity, I Expected They Would


On Friday’s broadcast of “CNN News Central,” Biden Campaign Co-Chair Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-TX) complained that after 2024 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at the RNC, “I expected people to be questioning his mental state and mental capacity,” but it has been “crickets, basically.”

Escobar said, “I expected to wake up this morning to headlines in newspapers across the country about Trump’s vile language, his anti-American language, and I expected people to be questioning his mental state and mental capacity, but, crickets, basically. … Despite the hype that, oh, Donald — the gun violence attack at his rally had changed him or humbled him or made him calmer or softer, despite all of that hype, Donald Trump is Donald Trump. And he uses the most vile and dangerous language to, basically, rile up his base. But, in addition to riling up his base, Jim, in a couple of weeks, here, in El Paso, we are going to be marking the fifth anniversary of the August 3 shooting, a shooting by a white nationalist who drove ten hours to El Paso and published a screed that mimicked Donald Trump’s vile, incendiary language about an invasion.”

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