July 18, 2024 – The Mercury News


“I heard that now you’re dating one of a pair of twins,” I said to Cy the Cynic. “Do you have trouble telling them apart?”

“It’s not hard,” Cy said. “Karen has a birthmark on her left leg. Kevin has a beard.”

Today’s West must deal with a tough situation. Against four spades, East takes the ace of hearts and returns the deuce (not best). South wins and puts it to West by leading the seven of clubs. If that’s a singleton, West will lose his ace if he ducks, but if he wins, dummy’s K-Q will be winners.

How can West tell the difference between when he must win and when he must duck?


West can see three defensive tricks, but South surely has the ace of diamonds. If West takes his ace, South will get two diamond discards and make his game. If West plays low, South loses no clubs but two diamonds.

In such a position, win if you have the setting trick to cash or if you have no hope of winning other tricks. Duck if by winning you’ll give declarer vital discards.


You hold: S K 5 H Q 10 8 4 D Q 9 3 C A 10 8 2. Your partner opens one diamond, the next player overcalls one spade and you double (negative). Partner then bids two hearts. What do you say?

ANSWER: You have 11 points, enough in theory to invite game. But all of your points are “working.” You have an ace, the queen of the first suit your partner bid, and a king of spades that looks well placed. Moreover, your ten of hearts may be useful. Bid four hearts.

South dealer

N-S vulnerable


S J 9 6 4

H 7 5

D J 6 4

C K Q 5 3


S K 5

H Q 10 8 4

D Q 9 3

C A 10 8 2


S 2

H A 9 3 2

D K 10 7 5

C J 9 6 4


S A Q 10 8 7 3

H K J 6

D A 8 2

C 7

South West North East
1 S Pass 2 S Pass
4 S(!) All Pass
Opening lead — H 4

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