Woman at Work Checks Cam, Forced to Watch Chaos Unfold as Dog Escapes Crate


A dog owner has shared how she was forced to watch her canine causing trouble on a pet cam while she was at work.

Leah Fryer, who posts on TikTok as @leahxfryer1, took a look at what her puppy was up to on her pet cam, expecting to find her Staffordshire bull terrier cozily nestled in his crate.

However, when Fryer opened the footage, she was shocked to see that he had made it out of the container. “POV [Point of view]: you thought you would check on your pup to see if he was okay in his crate to find him not in his crate. You don’t finish work for another two hours so all you can do is sit and watch,” Leah said in her now-viral TikTok video. The clip, which has gained more than 104,000 views, features her 8-month-old Staffy gleefully running amok in the living room, leaving a trail of chaos in his wake.

The Staffordshire bull terrier, renowned for its muscular build, intelligence, and affectionate nature, ranks as the 75th most popular dog breed in the U.S., according to the American Kennel Club. Recognized as a distinct breed by the AKC in 1974, the Staffordshire bull terrier has garnered a reputation as the “nanny dog” in England, cherished for its role as a loyal companion and guardian to children.

The puppy in the viral clip soon made the most of his unexpected freedom and transformed the living room into his personal playground.

With toys strewed around the floor, the once-tidy space quickly turned into chaos as the pup ran and jumped around the couch, throwing socks in the air and chasing after them.

Later in the comments, the owner said that the puppy hadn’t been in the crate for long before he made his escape. Fryer added that, because her dog is still young, the container is the safest place for him to be while his owners are out for short periods.

The video delighted fellow animal lovers who shared their reactions in the comments.

“I feel a sense of déjà vu watching this. Oh wait, yep… My Labrador did the exact same thing and rampaged the house. The umbrella had to go in his opinion,” wrote viewer Robyn.

A screenshot of the viral video of the Staffy on the pet camera when he got free from his crate. Owner Leah Fryer didn’t finish work for another two hours so all she could do…


TikTok user JustMe found a silver lining and posted: “At least he will be tired when you get home.”

“He’s having the time of his life,” commented Mon, while Lee Wallace related to the out-of-control canine. “My dog does this and when he sees me coming home, pretends he’s sleeping in his crate,” she added.

Other pet owners had stories of watching their dogs on pet cameras: “I watched my Cane Corso absolutely demolish a brand new £120 dog bed the day after I got it on Ring whilst pretending to work lol [laugh out loud],” posted user 2.2. “I even set the alarm off to scare her and she didn’t care.”

“This is too funny… He’s living his best life,” added Sarsmithy.

Newsweek reached out to @leahxfryer1 via TikTok for comment.

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to life@newsweek.com with some details about your best friend, and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.