Macron’s election gamble gives Europe Brexit nightmares again


This screen shot shows France’s President Emmanuel Macron speaking during a televised address to the nation during which he announced he is dissolving the National Assembly, French Parliament lower house, and calls new general elections on June 30, in Paris on June 9, 2024. (Ludovic Marin/AFP/Getty Images/TNS)

This screen shot shows France’s President Emmanuel Macron speaking during a televised address to the nation during which he announced he is dissolving the National Assembly, French Parliament lower house, and calls new general elections on June 30, in Paris on June 9, 2024. (Ludovic Marin/AFP/Getty Images/TNS)


French President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to call a snap election in France is giving European officials flashbacks to Brexit.

As soon as Macron announced his decision, two were immediately comparing him to former U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron, who called and lost a referendum on membership of the European Union in 2016.

Both men were confident, establishment figures under siege from the populist right who scheduled a risky and unnecessary vote, betting that it would settle their domestic problems. The French president’s side has even been echoing elements of Cameron’s rhetoric in the first week of the campaign.

Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire predicted a financial crisis if Marine Le Pen’s far-right party gets to implement its program. Although he name-checked one of Cameron’s short-lived successors in warning of economic chaos, that strategy resembles what became know as Cameron’s own ‘Project Fear’ during the Brexit campaign.

E.U. officials have spent much of the past decade dealing with the fallout from the U.K. vote. But a full-blown crisis in France could ultimately pose a more serious threat to the bloc, since it would strike at the heart of the euro area.

The dangers in France are the first topic of every conversation in Brussels at the moment, one diplomat said.

Those fears are also resonating in financial markets. The premium that investors are demanding to own 10-year French government bonds just posted the biggest weekly jump on record while French stocks have lost about $210 billion in market capitalization over the same period.

Britain’s vote to leave the E.U. caused financial tremors that lasted for years, with investors demanding a so-called Brexit premium to hold U.K. assets.

Macron’s campaign team doesn’t believe that the lessons of Brexit apply to them, according to a person familiar with their discussions. They think instead that focusing on the economic risks of Le Pen’s project is the way to boost their support, the person said, arguing that the market selloff is a clear demonstration of the risks.

“Politicians such as David Cameron in the U.K. might be able to tell a thing or two about how such gambles have a habit of blowing up in your face,” said Mark Dowding, chief investment officer at RBC BlueBay Asset Management.

The ructions in the market are also stirring up unpleasant memories of the euro-area crisis which saw individual members like Ireland, Spain and, above all, Greece targeted by bond investors because of their unstable public finances.

Italy, the most indebted E.U. nation after Greece, could be the next country to come under scrutiny if investors start to cut back on their holdings of European government bonds. The risk premium on Italian debt has also jumped this week as a consequence of the problems in France.

One Italian official said policymakers in Rome are monitoring the situation with concern and that if the French selloff continues it could test the European Central Bank’s willingness to step in. So far, ECB officials see no cause for alarm and haven’t discussed the possibility of using their crisis tools, according to people with knowledge of their thinking.

World leaders at the Group of Seven summit in Italy were also baffled by Macron’s decision, with diplomats questioning the logic of a path they described as unnecessarily risky.

France will come under further scrutiny next week as the political turmoil in the country is expected to be discussed at an E.U. leaders’ dinner on Monday, according to people familiar with the planning for that encounter. Fellow E.U. leaders will be seeking explanations from Macron on how he intends to restore control and also bring the budget deficit down.

The European Commission is expected to begin the process of officially censuring France over its budget deficit on Wednesday, a move that’s likely to exacerbate tensions in the country, where Macron’s challengers on the right and left have both sought to tap into voters’ frustration with the E.U.

Speaking to reporters just before he left the G-7 on Friday, the French president described both sides’ economic pitches to voters as “incoherent.”

Le Pen’s team is yet to give the full details of its economic program but it has said it would slash sales taxes on fuel and energy at a cost of about €20 billion ($21 billion).

“Spending power is what is urgent at the moment,” Jordan Bardella, Le Pen’s potential candidate for prime minister, said in comments broadcast on BFMTV Friday. “The measure will of course be compensated and we are looking at ways of making savings.”

Regular E.U. business is already being disrupted by the turmoil. Le Maire was supposed to meet with his German and Polish counterparts next week, but that’s been canceled at France’s request because Le Maire needs to focus on the domestic situation, European officials said. The French finance ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

“Macron has been a driving force toward greater E.U. integration and so his weakness detracts from this agenda too,” Dowding said. “The reality is that Macron is currently very unpopular.”


(With assistance from Kamil Kowalcze, Agnieszka Barteczko, Jorge Valero and Alice Gledhill.)


Copyright (C) 2022, Tribune Content Agency, LLC. Portions copyrighted by the respective providers.

This story was originally published June 14, 2024, 10:14 PM.

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