Jesse Watters: Why would Democrats support a man like Biden?


Fox News host Jesse Watters questioned why the Democrats would continue supporting a president who promised to shut down the border if over 2,500 illegal immigrants crossed over, but did not follow through. Watters praised former President Trump on Monday for his fundraising efforts, while some Democrats feel “homeless” with Biden at the helm.


JESSE WATTERS: Deporting illegals could be illegal is the kind of brilliant analysis Americans are blessed with on CBS Sundays. Remember Biden’s executive order to shut down the border if border crossings had over 2,500 a day? Well, border crossings have been over 2,500 a day every day since Biden signed the order. And he hasn’t shut it down. The day after he signed the order, there were 4,000 border crossings. The next day they were 10,000. Anybody hear anything about Biden shutting down the border? You didn’t because he didn’t. Why would Democrats support a man like that? They don’t.

From Compton to Silicon Valley. Democrats are walking away from the guy who can barely walk. Trump hauled in $30 million from his California swing. $12 million came straight out of Nancy Pelosi’s backyard. Tech billionaires say they were impressed by how eloquent and articulate Trump was and opened up their checkbooks. He wasn’t the guy I see on TV. One source told The Post. He was very thoughtful and self-deprecating. One of the billionaires who hosted the fundraiser for Trump was a lifelong Democrat who says he’s been forced into political homelessness.  

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