Paramount Animation and Hasbro Entertainment‘s Transformers One, the first animated Transformers movie in close to 40 years, looks to liven up the mid-September box office with a domestic start in the low-$30Ms with potential for upside. Transformers One will keep the domestic box office at its excellent clip. Through the last weekend of April, the
In a lull for specialty openings early in the new year, three foreign-language films are taking a shot. The Settlers, winner of the Cannes Un Certain Regard FIPRESCI Prize, and Inshallah A Boy are Cannes alumns and Oscar submissions from, respectively, Chile and Jordan (neither short-listed in a competitive field). Driving Madeleine is a crowd
Festivals past are populating a busy specialty market this weekend with films from Sundance and Venice. Sony Pictures Classics is giving Randall Park’s Shortcomings a substantial 400+ screen release. See Deadline review. Mubi is out with Passages in New York and LA – both premiered to critical acclaim in Park City. There’s been some drama
Mubi’s German-language, post-WWII drama Great Freedom grossed a solid $8,814 at NYC’s Film Forum this weekend, the latest in a string of foreign films to open well and with younger demos previously atypical of the genre. Austria’s shortlisted Oscar submission for Best International Feature was also Mubi’s pick of the week for its Movie One